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Dirty Jobs visits a Snake Farm...
by RepFan on July 12, 2007
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Discovery Channel's show "Dirty Jobs", visits a snake farm. In this episode which premiered Tuesday July 10th at 9 p.m. ( It re-airs this saturday at 1 p.m.) Mike Rowe the host joins forces with the husband and wife team that are also the owners/operators of Animal World and Snake Farm in New Braunfels, Texas.
First, helps move three large reticulated pythons ranging from 12'-17' so the enclosure may be inhabitated by its new residents two large red tail boas.
If that's not enough he then helps to remove some western diamondbacks from the snake pit so it can be cleaned.
Finally, poor Mike ends up with the task of cleaning out the alligator pond while it is being pumped out and the inhabitants are still in the enclosure.
This episode is very comical as it shows what goes on behind the scenes to make a operation of this sort to work. Mike's expressions throughout this episode are priceless.
To find out other air times refer to the following site:
~ Todd
RE: Dirty Jobs visits a Snake Farm...
by wncherps on July 12, 2007
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That was a great episode Todd. I laughed when the big Retic crapped on him.
I also like the "Snake Researcher" episode, where he helped collect thr protected "Lake Michigan Water Snake"
SAL @ WNCHerps
RE: Dirty Jobs visits a Snake Farm...
by nightwolf on July 19, 2007
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I saw the episode on Lake Michigan . I was impressed by the way he took quite a few bites and still managed to keep his funny comments going . They did a segment once on golf ball recyclers , and did I or did I not watch a baby cottonmouth crawl straight out of his hands ? I know there is a water snake in some areas that looks a lot like a cotton so I wasn't sure .
RE: Dirty Jobs visits a Snake Farm...
by guttersnacks on July 19, 2007
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That snake was a plain old water snake. I remember pausing the TV during that spot and zooming in to be sure. I actually registered on the Dirty Jobs website and forum and let Mike know that he wasnt in any danger LOL
That'll keep him from telling any tall tales :-)
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