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Snake Trap
by EdVA on July 13, 2007
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I've seen what I think is a pretty large Texas Green Snake down near the creek in my back yard. I'd like to take some pix of him and then release him; but there is so much undergrowth back there I don't think I can catch him. He's Really Fast !
I've caught 2 smaller ones in trees along my property; but not this guy.
Do snakes have an inherent fear of going down into deep holes that might keep one from sliding down into a buried barrel with some frogs down in it for bait ?
Is there a place that sells a cage with narrow openings that a snake can crawl into; but not back out after he eats a frog that I'd put inside as bait ?
Does anyone know of any kind of off the shelf Snake Trap ? Please let me know.
Thank You !
RE: Snake Trap
by Cro on July 13, 2007
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Ed, you will probably have to construct your own trap, I do not know of a commercial one.
You might use a minnow or crawfish type trap, that has a tapered entrance funnell made of wire mish.
Researchers often use pitfall traps, which are often made of 5 gallon bucket sunk in the ground with the top edge flush with the ground surface. Then the place some stones around the edges and then set a board on top. This leaves a small gap all around that lets snakes go under the board and fall into the trap. However, a snake like a green snake can climb quite well, and might be able to excape the trap.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Snake Trap
by Cro on July 16, 2007
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The snake trap posted by Sal would be great if you want to kill the snake !
It would not be nearly as good if you just want to capture the green snake for a few photos !
The glue used inside is very sticky, and not easily removed from a snake without pulling off scales and skin. You can use a solvent like mineral spirits to dissolve the glue, but that will not be very good for the snake.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Snake Trap
by Cro on July 16, 2007
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The Minnow, Eel, Crawfish, etc. Trap at the Cooper site just might work, however, and would not damage the snake in the process.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Snake Trap
by EdVA on July 16, 2007
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Hell... if I wanted to kill the snake, I'd just tie a small peg, or treble-hook to a small frog's back and stake it down with a length of string. When the snake swallowed the frog, either the peg would turn sideways in his gut, or the treble hook would get him. Simple; but I don't want to kill anything.
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