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Crotalus Atrox
by Jahon on July 14, 2007
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Hello guys, I will be acquiring a captive bred atrox in about 1 month. Now, I already have researched a lot about this snake and so I know a lot about this snake. However, I could not find a lot of care sheets on this snake, or any venomous snake for obvious reasons. Anyways, I just need to know the basics such as, size of the cage, what type of cage, what type of bedding, day and night temperatures, etc. I have some experience with rubers, which I know are a lot less aggresive then these guys, but I feel that I am ready. Thanks, and have a good day.
RE: Crotalus Atrox
by Rob_Carmichael on July 14, 2007
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You can keep your atrox much like that of your ruber. This is how we exhibit our atrox at my facility (Wildlife Discovery Center - www.thegrassisrattling.com):
Enclosure Size: 6' wide x 3' deep x 2' high
Set up: We use a gravel/sand substrate ("Torpedo Sand") with some desert clay mixed in. Looks great while providing a natural substrate for your snake. Plus, it makes spot cleaning extremely easy. Our big, old atrox is very comfortable just sitting out in the open but I would recommend providing a basking rock pile (securely lodged together) under the basking lamp with another shaded, cooler retreat on the opposite side. Some old, weathered driftwood/etc rounds out the cage nicely. We provide our atrox with a heavy crock water bowl.
Temps: We keep our atrox at 75 deg F on the cool end and the mid 80's on the warm side with a localized basking area (via incadescent lamp, or, a combination of a full spectrum fluorescent and a pro product radiant heat panel) that reaches the mid 90's for 6 hours a day.
Feeding: Our adult atrox get one very large rat once a month. Younger, fast growing juvies get fed every 10-14 days.
Hope this helps. Rob
Rob Carmichael, Curator
The Wildlife Discovery Center
RE: Crotalus Atrox
by MoccasinMan on July 15, 2007
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I would agree with Rob on most of his points except cage size. Even a large atrox can be very comfortable in a cage 3'-4'x2'x18". A young animal could be kept in a much smaller enclosure. Another clean, easy substrate is shredded aspen. Good luck.
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