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Is this a button?
by crotalus17 on July 20, 2007
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The pic I have on my profile is of a timber rattler I found last year. Can anyone tell from the pic if the snake still has its button? I think its not very common for an adult rattler to still have its button...correct?
RE: Is this a button?
by LarryDFishel on July 20, 2007
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No, that snake does not have it's button. That's just the inner portion on the oldest remaining segment. If it had it's button, the rattle would be much longer and the button would be much smaller.
The rattle segments and made up of shed scales and so do not grow. If the button were still there it would still be the same size as when the snake were born.
RE: Is this a button?
by LarryDFishel on July 20, 2007
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If you look at that last segment, with one large "lobe" and one smaller one, that's actually how every segment of the rattle is shaped. The smaller lobe fits inside the larger lobe of the next segment. That's what holds the rattle together.
Please don't take offense if you already knew all this, some other readers might not.
RE: Is this a button?
by LarryDFishel on July 20, 2007
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Sorry about the multiple replies, but maybe I should have been a little more specific in the last one. I should have said that's how every segments looks EXCEPT the button.
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