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Black-tailed Rattlesnakes & Speckled Rattlesna
by COYOG on July 20, 2007
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What kind of substraes do you sugest for Northern Black-tailed Rattlesnakes?
Same question for Speckled Rattlesnakes?
Also should a water bowl be left in the cage with the Black tail Or offered from time to time?
RE: Black-tailed Rattlesnakes & Speckled Rattl
by GREGLONGHURST on July 21, 2007
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I would recommend offering the snakes water for a day or two every seven to ten days. My substrate of preference has always been newspaper.
RE: Black-tailed Rattlesnakes & Speckled Rattl
by Rob_Carmichael on July 21, 2007
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For an easy set up, newspaper works great as Greg suggested (that's what we use for all off exhibit animals). For our exhibit black tails, we use a top soil, peat, leaf litter/pine needle mix which looks great and is easy to service and keep clean. Our black tails do great on it and with a pile of secure rocks, some driftwood, and other items it can be a top knotch looking exhibit. We use a rock style heavy water bowl that has fresh water available daily. For our speckled rattlers we keep our exhibit animals on a combination of sand and torpedo sand with a little of our soil/peat mix (just a little). Some rock piles, faux cactus/plants and a piece of weathered log rounds it out nicely. Water is provided daily as well. Our rattlers have done well on a long term basis on this substrate.
Rob Carmichael, Curator
The Wildlife Discovery Center
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