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cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old boy
by richardduckworth on August 5, 2007
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this really aggravates me. if this guy isn't found guilty of negligent homicide AT LEAST, then someone should return the favor.
RE: cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old
by Chris_Harper on August 5, 2007
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With the attitude what it is toward snakes in the US, this was bound to happen eventually.
RE: cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old
by richardduckworth on August 5, 2007
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this is the type of thing that an animal activist group would take and make into some new laws. can NCARK turn this into something positive for the herp community? it will just go away quietly if not.
RE: cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old
by richardduckworth on August 6, 2007
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it was in a tree and hissing, so i'm guessing it was a highly aggravated rat snake. timbers have been up in trees before, but i've never personally seen a venomous snake of any kind in a tree in this area and they have about the same variety.
RE: cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old
by LEGION on August 6, 2007
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One of the dumbest, not to mention tragic stories I've ever heard. And Mr. Duckworth is absolutely right, charges should be brought against that moron cop. How does a child fishing get killed by a bullet aimed up a tree??? Why did they even need to shoot the animal??? Absolutely ridiculous, not to mention criminal. The poor child, family, snake, and the dumb officer: all got screwed on that deal. Somehow they'll blame the snake instead of the idiot with the gun for this tragedy.
RE: cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old
by Kingetula on August 6, 2007
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I have a 5 year old son and I would die inside if anything ever happened to him.
First: no one was in danger so the officer should have never discharged his fire arm. SAFTEY FIRST!
Second: this reminds me of the days Firemen would save cats out of trees. The officer should have laughed and walked away.
Third: mistakes "accidents" happen but if this was me or you we would be charged and thrown in prison. If this happened because someone was in danger I would understand but no one was in danger, just a stupid cop though he could play around and shoot his weapon for once.
Just a stupid move by the cop. If it was my son I would hang the cop!
RE: cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old
by guttersnacks on August 6, 2007
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So, calling a Fish & Game officer wasnt an option for identification? I hate that "snake" automatically means "people could DIE if we dont kill it". I'd love to have the same attitude towards feral cats. Snakes could die if we dont kill them ya know.
RE: cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old
by richardduckworth on August 6, 2007
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around here, you can't even call a fish and game officer and get them to tell you much of anything. one even gave me his card and i've tried to contact him 15 times and never gotten him or a call back. he's busy saving animals though, i'm pretty sure (aren't you officer champion of decatur)
RE: cops shoots at snake in tree, kills 5 year old
by Cro on August 6, 2007
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Amazing !
"Wade refused to identify the officer suspected of firing the shots but said the officer has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation."
The give the trigger happy ass wipe cop a paid vacation for murdering the cute kid !
Next they will probably give him a promotion, like they did the FBI folks who murdered the religious nut cases in Waco, Texas !
Sure hope they release the cops name so we can tell him just what we think of his snake killing actions !
Best Regards JohnZ
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