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by squigy on August 9, 2007
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Guys I have a gravid squam that should drop sometime soon. I'm not counting the little ones until they appear, fat and healthy. But I was wondering if anyone else is breeding them regularly? If so when I get some size on mine would anyone be interested in swapping new blood for new blood? Thanks
RE: atheris
by FlaSnakeHunter on August 10, 2007
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I don't have any squams currently, however, I would be interested in picking up a pair. Will you be selling them also ??
RE: atheris
by txviper on August 10, 2007
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I currently have a 3.3 group that I am cycling at the time so hopefully I should have babies by early next year. I am always up for new blood. What do the parents look like?
RE: atheris
by squigy on August 10, 2007
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I plan on just trying to trade them for new genetics at this point. If I have extra they will got to the San Antonio show with me. The male is green with some brown and yellow highlights. The female is a turquoise with alot of yellow.
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