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Question about Record Keeping
by hot_herper on August 16, 2007
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I'm considering writing a small program, or application that can track and maintain an animal stat database. I'm posting this so see what you would feel is the most important information you would want to track. Also any suggestions for how you'd want it cataloged or organized for say printout's. Any and all suggestions will be taken, and appreciated greatly. Thank you in advance for your time and your input.
co-owner: www.hotherper.com (startup site)
RE: Question about Record Keeping
by GREGLONGHURST on August 17, 2007
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Keep track of as little or as much of the following as you feel necessary:
Upon receipt of a new animal list the source & weight.
Latin name & sex of snake.
Each feeding, type & condition of prey (p-k f/t) weigh food if desired. Note also refusal of food & any regurgitaion.
Weigh snake once a month, or quarterly, depending on age.
If snake becomes ill, list symptoms & medication.
If snake is bred, or a breeding attempt is made, note that, as well as any brumation, including temps & duration. Note the companion snake(s) in the breeding process.
Number & size of eggs/number & weight of neonates.
The feeding, defecation & ecdysis can be recorded on 3x5 cards kept right on the outside of the cage.
All of the above should be dated. This will automatically give you gestation periods for neonates or eggs.
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