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Panamint Rattlesnake
by Jahon on August 18, 2007
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Hi guys, I recently ordered a CB06 stephensi and it's acting a bit weird. I've had him for a few weeks now in a 10 gallon terrarium. It's an 18 inch snake and about as thick as your index finger as far as size goes. Anyways, he refuses to go in his hide box and he is constantly moving around in the cage. I fed it an adult mouse, which I don't know if this makes a difference but it was quite big and it took some trouble for the snake to swallow it. After a while the snake threw up the mouse, and the temperature of the cage was never cold by the way I had it at 80-90 in the day and around 70 at night. I never saw him rattle until today it rattled away at me for a few minutes straight really loud. Does anyone know what may be wrong with it?
RE: Panamint Rattlesnake
by LarryDFishel on August 19, 2007
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From your description of his size, an adult mouse sounds too big. Try a medium hopper to start with and work from there. None of the rest sounds like any particular cause for concern. Check the water bowl for mites though (you should always do that with new snakes for a while).
RE: Panamint Rattlesnake
by squigy on August 19, 2007
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Where did you buy it from out of curiosity? And feed it hoppers or several fuzzies at a time. Larger quantities of smaller food items does better on alot of animals.
RE: Panamint Rattlesnake
by Jahon on August 19, 2007
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Chamleon Counters, it's a good place they have friendly staff and they got me the snake I wanted here fast.
RE: Panamint Rattlesnake
by WALnuT on November 15, 2007
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Well, I am not an expert by any means, but I have been up in the Panamint Mts quite a bit and have seen the Panamint Rattlers there fairly often. I believe their range is about 5,600 ft to about 8,000 ft.
If this is correct (and it may not be), and given my trips to that area, I think the temperatures you are using may be a little high.
Granted, the Panamints are on the west side of Death Valley, and it does get pretty hot there at times, but at night, if cools considerably!
I have seen a Panamint (about 24") out in 36 deg. f weather and it did not seem even the slightest bit sluggish.
As a result, you might try a daytime temp of around 70-80 and night 60-65 or so.
This would be a lot closer to their normal habitat temperatures.
However, a full grown hopper does sound too large as well.
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