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i need some help?please
by RANSNAKEMAN on December 30, 2007
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this man his name is john malliot,hes 45 been handleing snakes for years.i helped him get in to venomous snakes.now he drinks and gets drunk free hands rattlesnakes,and gaboons.he just got bitten by a broadbanded copperhead 2 weeks ago.ive tryed everything to stop him but he still does it.what can i do?[IMG]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p198/ransnakeman/l_e3baee92e49daeba4de6bc5a7985f545.jpg[/IMG]
RE: i need some help?please
by Cro on December 30, 2007
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Randy, sorry to hear about your friend. The link you posted did not work, but I can imagine what it showed.
It is nice that you are trying to help your friend, however, folks that are drunks are othen deeply troubled, and very hard to help. They often do self destructive behaviors to draw attention to themselves.
There is not much folks here can do. Your friend is asking for help. You need to get him to Alcoholics Anonymous where he can get some help. He probably wants to get bitten by his snakes to draw attention to himself. It is liable to kill him if it is one of the Gaboons.
Get a bunch of friend together and drag him to a AA meeting, or a Church outreach group, and hope they are able to help him. Or get him locked up for public drunkeness so he can sober up in jail. Then try to get him to AA after they let him out.
Good Luck !
RE: i need some help?please
by agkistrodude on December 30, 2007
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The link worked for me.Keep the [IMG]off the front and the [/IMG] off the end. Randy, unfortunately, most alcoholics will refuse any help offered and deny they have a problem. But trying wont hurt.I agree with the suggestions Cro mentioned.Good luck, let us know how it turns out. MartyM
RE: i need some help?please
by SCatheris on December 30, 2007
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well i saw both pics on myspace........somethin should definatley be done seeing as how this will eventually effect us if he does get bit it'll be another scratch on our image.
RE: i need some help?please
by rthom on January 1, 2008
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The big problem with an alcoholic is they themselves have to hit bottom.Bottom for some is a DUI arrest or loss of a job. Some it's losing or almost losing there lives.I've had a few in the family and it can get ugly.Good luck .
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