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API Attacks Jack Hanna
by MoccasinMan on December 31, 2007
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Born Free USA (formerly known as the Animal Protection Institute or API) appeared on ABC's Good Morning America opposite Jack Hanna. They tried to discredit him and his Columbus Zoo. This is the same API that has tried to pass a reptile ban here in NC. The same API we crushed in "07.
Copy and paste this link to see the story: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=4055821&page=1
Jack Hanna has been very supportive of private ownership of reptiles. I think we should all support him by following the link and and posting our opinions in the comment section. The Animal Rights community has avalanched this poll and comment section. I think they need to feel the power of the "Cold Blooded Mafia". Let's drop a few hundred opinions on them to even out this debate a little!
Here is a copy of my comments: Posted as OBXWild
WOW!! To deny the contributions that Jack Hanna and the Columbus Zoo have made to wildlife education is to ignore the thousands he has touched with his folksy approach to bringing wildlife to the attention of an increasingly urbanized American public. This attack on Zoos is being led by a number of 'Animal Liberation' extremists like Mr. Roberts & his employer, now known as Born Free USA (formerly the Animal Protection Institute-API), PeTA, HSUS & IDA. All of these groups radically oppose all animal ownership and use; from livestock farming, biomedical research and hunting to animals in education/ entertainment to traditional pets, like cats and dogs. They ideologically oppose all animals in captivity and all animal products and byproducts, including medications, food and clothing. Their goal is to end all animal ownership and use as a matter of law. Their stock in trade is to exploit and sensationalize tragic animal related incidents to ellicit a viseral response from America's animal loving public, while systematically obscuring the fact that such incidents are exceedingly rare. These animals are not being plucked from the wild as the Animal Liberationists would have you beleive. They are bred in captivity inthe USA. Tigers are so endangered due to the loss of their habitat and poaching, that there are more captive bred animals in the USA than in the wild in their natural range. Facts and science are not useful to these ideologically based 'Animal Liberation' arguments because they contradict the message these groups are trying to force on the American public. To insinuate that because there was a tragic incident at the SF Zoo, that keeping animals in captivity is inherently cruel and dangerous, just because a very small, well funded and vocal special interest says so, is a blatant misrepresentation of the truth. Jack's work speaks for itself... he is an asset to our society and a positive force for the humane keeping of animals and wildlife education.
Please keep your comments professional and unemotional. Stick to the truth. That has been our greatest weapon against API.
Let's show these AR activists the power NCARK and the "Cold Blooded Mafia" has built here in NC!! Help me flex our muscles!!!
Happy New Year,
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