RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by tigers9 on February 20, 2009
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Karl, AZA is the accrediting facility for AZA zoos and acts as their mouthpiece, but OK, if you want to be grammatically/philosophically/legally correct, I will rephrase my sentence by inserting the words “accredited facilities” in my original sentence:
“”If AZA accredited facilities had a virginally clean record, that would be one thing, but their latest injury and fatality record is actually rather bad, so they need to shut up””
Yes, AZA facilities accidents occur, when somebody doesn’t meet the standards, and same goes for non AZA facilities, human error; somebody doesn’t meet the industry or commonsense standards, so what is the difference?
Yes, there are horrible injuries by animals as well as car accidents or by spouses, just ask Lorena Bobbit. Should we ban marriages because she cut her man’s wiener off?
Little boy is in critical condition today injured by dog, I am sure many other people are dying and being disfigured in car accidents today as I type this. Dead is dead, disfigured is disfigured, why should we feel more sympathy for somebody who is disabled by animal as opposed by weapon, attempted murder, or car???
RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by Pug on February 20, 2009
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If WE do a better job for our animals, WE are the exception, not the rule. Please do not promote the "rights" of individuals to leash coatimundis because you wish to maintain captive wildlife in a responsible way.
RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by tigers9 on February 20, 2009
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I am little confused by the last 2 posts, especially PUG (must be my English), does anybody here have a leash or SM fetish or what is going on?
RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by pictigaster1 on February 20, 2009
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I dont know Z my wife walks her coatis on a leash in the country thats all I meant.They are her children.But properly maintained at all times.It seems to me that pug does not recognize her right to do so,or any ones.
RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by Buzztail1 on February 20, 2009
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I took Pug's post a little differently.
Only he can say exactly what he meant but the way I read it is:
Just because "we" provide proper care of our animals doesn't mean that everyone or even anyone else does.
Therefore, we can't scream and holler when "they attack" the "right" to keep exotics since there are so many morons who are blatantly and publicly not taking proper care of them.
Just the way I read it and not necessarily a true representatiion of what he meant.
RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by pictigaster1 on February 20, 2009
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You are probably right.I am happy that my county allows what it does.I get defensive over these issues tho.
RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by tigers9 on February 20, 2009
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so it this like unless u can get your kid Lamborghini (awesome car BTW)do NOT bother to have sex ,much less unprotected? I mean, not giving your kid Lamborghini Diablo (my fav) is a child abuse;-)if we follow your reasoning...every snake should have a vampire castle, right?;-)
Z (abused wife/person and GF)
RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by tigers9 on February 20, 2009
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In modern developed society, how come we are attacked by jungle retarded chimps in urban/city environment? YES let’s ban exotics….yes, city people want to be protected from jungle danger. Being killed by domestic dog is OK/expected, by chimp even if only injured, not OK. (insert sarcasm)
Who cares, dead is dead.
I go by the ORIGINAL definition of PET, something you as a person love and cherish, aka, one way street, it doesn’t have to return the love. (Teacher pet, teacher loves u, u hate teacher, u r still a PET)
So by this definition a hairy tarantula or scaly death adder can be a pet, unconditional love.
I started with reptiles pets as teenager, so I am fine with one way street
So yeah, viper is a pet. I am not talking about my red hot car here, that is just pure fun. With Valentine radar detector;-):
RE: AZA attack on private ownership Again
by tigers9 on February 20, 2009
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Karl wrote:
<<Just because "we" provide proper care of our animals doesn't mean that everyone or even anyone else does. >.
but what if they do provide proper care? Maybe they do??
proof for or against anynone?
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