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Giving shots to rattlesnakes.
by Kingetula on September 29, 2009
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Ok, well, I hate to admit it but one of my Rattlesnakes that I had in Quarantine has Fungus and Repertory infection. He is a new snake (Not from Germany) and has been in my quarantine room. My vet wants me to use cream for the fungus and injections. I'm fine with all that but only nervous about giving the shots (Afraid I'll screw it up some how as I have never had this problem before nor have I had to give a snake a shot). I understand where and how to do it but I'm the type who learns by watching, does anyone here have or know of any videos that can assist me? I would like to watch a video of a shot being given first. Any other advice would be welcomed. It's not a very expensive snake but he's my snake, I had someone today mention that it might be easier/cheaper to just replace him. I guess that pissed me off a little and I am in defensive mode now, I'm not giving up on him, I just need advice on helping him.
RE: Giving shots to rattlesnakes.
by Rob_Carmichael on September 29, 2009
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I'm sure someone will have some video. Easiest way is to tube the snake. If you have an extra person, one person can restrain the snake in the tube (with about half of the body outside of the tube (maintain a good grip and always watch to make sure the snake doesn't double back towards your hand). The other person can then give the injection along the lateral side of the body and the injection should be about 45 degree angle or slightly less preferred. Some folks use squeeze boxes but it will depend on what you are most comfortable with. I would NOT recommend the use of pinning - too many chances for something bad happening to the person restraining the animal.
RE: Giving shots to rattlesnakes.
by Kingetula on September 29, 2009
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Thanks Rob, I have the tubes and the extra hands and it seems easy enough... I'm sure I can do it, I guess first time jitters if you know what I mean lol. I know I've seen shots being given on TV (The King Cobra comes to mind on NAT GEO not so long ago so I have an idea). I'm just afraid of hurting the snake and may be to cautious and not do it correctly. I love the learning experience of it all and am sort of excited to do it, I just want to do it right is all.
RE: Giving shots to rattlesnakes.
by Kingetula on September 29, 2009
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Thanks Charles, Not sure if I would have known to do that when the time came, thanks again!
RE: Giving shots to rattlesnakes.
by agkistrodude on September 29, 2009
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Depending on the drug, you'll also want to know whether it's better to inject it IM or SQ. Your vet will know. I agree with Rob, 2 people are better for this. But its not difficult. Take care, and let us know how it works out, Marty
RE: Giving shots to rattlesnakes.
by Kingetula on September 30, 2009
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I love being on my Vets good side. I was told I could come in this morning (The clinic is closed on Wednesdays) and pick up the meds. I get there and she hands me the Meds, I ask her if the Dr. wants me to pay for it as I stood there waiting for a total that never came. She said he would work it out later. (She came in to check on the animals, being closed is also why the Vet didn't give the first shot) She gave me instructions on how to give the shot but it was just nice to know people still trust their clients and go out of their way to help.
5 injections of Baytril and Thermazene cream. Shot went well today. I don't think the snake liked being poked twice but I got a handle on it and the next 4 should go much better for him and me.
RE: Giving shots to rattlesnakes.
by BobH on September 30, 2009
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Baytril is cytotoxic, so you might make sure to use different sites for the injection. It is not unusual to get some necrosis at the injection site, but it will ususally do wonder for a respiratory infection!
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