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Pigmy rattlesnake husbandry
by Sal on June 12, 2003
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I already posted this on the Kingsnake forums but I'm trying to get as much information as possible before I go ahead with it. I am considering getting another hot snake (already have a southern copperhead) and I'm thinking about a Pigmy rattlesnake. The state I live in does not allow exotic venomous, so I can't get anything non-native. I was just wondering what caring for these snakes is like. What tips tricks or advice can you offer?
Thanks in advance
RE: Pigmy rattlesnake husbandry
by snakum on June 13, 2003
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I used to have a few sistrurus and I personally found them hard to keep going when they were very young (had to force feed pinkies till the day I sold them). But everyone else I knew who kept Dusky and Carolina Pigmys made out just fine.
With your experience, I think an older/larger specimen of Pigmy might be better to start with until you get used to the little guys. I was looking after a house full of Canebrakes when I had mine (tiny baby duskys) and they needed more time than I could give them, so I sold them to someone who could devote more time to them.
Oh BTW ... the bite from a 'Runt Rattler' hurts like hell, and a bigger one can cause pretty bad scarring and swelling on a finger. So treat them with respect.
RE: Pigmy rattlesnake husbandry
by Buzztail1 on June 13, 2003
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email me at Buzztail1@hotmail.com and I will send you an article on Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake husbandry.
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