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by copperheadkid15 on June 14, 2003
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I am 15 and love snake i want to make a living helping them. I have a snake removal in estern north carolina.I get calls to remove hot do you thank i can? i use a rubbermade trash can, on water snake i also have gintel gient tongs, standerd hook, field hook ,bagger and mini hook (all by middwest)
please help me out
Im not the man (nor do I wanna be)
by jared on June 15, 2003
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and I know guys that have been keeping hots since your age. Personally I had my first one (indoors) when I was 18. I have cousins your age and I recommend that they leave hots alone, at least until you have alot of experience with many other snakes (alot is more than a year). I myself do relocations here in western NC, and coppers are very common. I again would suggest maybe contacting someone with experience in hots to remove a copper, though there hasnt been a fatality in 50+years, you dont want your hand disfigured from a nasty bite, (or anaphlaxis). Have you ever worked with any hots?
Still not the man. but,
by wls967 on June 15, 2003
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I agree with Jared, leave the venomous to someone else until you have more experience under your belt. About 4 years ago, an elderly lady in south central Alabama attempted to kill a small copperhead by smashing it with a brick. She missed the head by about 6 inches and it nailed her. She kept the finger but not without an expensive trip to the ER, a lot of pain and some permanent scarring as well as some "loss of use" of the finger. It was an 18 inch copperhead that got her. It only made the local paper, but to her, I bet it felt like national news. Even the "Little Ones" can hurt you.
he, he,he ole lady takes a hit.
Anonymous post on June 16, 2003
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Thats kinda funny, wish I could have seen the look on her face. Poetic justice, he, he, he
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