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choosing my next hot herp
by dizz on June 20, 2003
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I am in a toss up between getting a gaboon viper,a copper head or a eyelash viper.so far I am looking possibly at a eyelash viper and a gaboon viper.can I get an opinon to help?
RE: choosing my next hot herp
by Buzztail1 on June 20, 2003
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It might be appropriate for you to give us a little more information here.
Like how old you are and what you have experience with and where you are located.
Imagine if someone were to be quoted recommending to someone who turns out to be a 12 year old person new to venomous that they get a Gaboon Viper or a Mamba in Athens, Georgia where they are illegal to have!
Karl H. Betz
RE: choosing my next hot herp
by eyelashvp9 on July 8, 2003
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You need to address the issue of how much space do you have for the animal. Eyelash vipers get about 2 ft long. Gaboons can reach 6 - 8 ft that would require a much larger enclosure. The venom of the Gaboon is much hotter than the venom of the eyelash viper. Gaboons can also strike with lighting fast speed even backwards. Eyelash vipers will gap (open the mouth) as a warning before striking most of the time. Gaboons release air sounding like a loud hiss as a warning.
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