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Shipping venomous "to your door" and oth
by TomT on July 2, 2003
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Having just read the classified ads, and remebering the latest in a string of law enforcement raids on people trading in reptiles, it occurred to me that someone would either have to be ignorant (really, really ignorant) of the law regarding shipping "dangerous" animals, or they're crazy for posting on a public forum that they'll "ship to your door" a rattlesnake, venomoid or not.
You know me... I can't resist a FUBAR when it's posted in the classifieds, so I thought I'd stir the proverbial pot to see how the rest of you feel about the Illegal shipping of venomous, or other, snakes. There's enough trouble brewing in this hobby without people perpetuating the myth that we don't care about the law.....
I'll help stir the Proverbial Pot!
by wls967 on July 2, 2003
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Hi Tom,
Let me start by saying that your use of the words "ignorant" and "crazy" are mild to say the least. (You probably meant it that way) I believe that way too many un-qualified people are keeping venomous already, but if they're trying to sell them, then they alone should be responsible for knowing the law. My choice of words would have been "Really, Really Stupid" and "Foolish" for posting that classified on a public website. Let me back this up by saying that a really, really close family member of mine is a United States Postal Inspector. I have, on good authority, info that says that F&G officials are "NOT" the only authorities scanning these sites. Were it not for the repercussions on all venomous keepers, when someone gets caught, I would be happy to let all of the "Stupid People" hang themselves. It's people like this that get unnecessary laws passed. Here's an example....ONE idiot in Moody, AL., because of his stupidity, managed to get ALL exotic venomous banned in this state and the law was passed without even going through the state legislature. Oh well, I've said enough. Thanks for bringing this to light Tom. Alot of us never read the classifieds.
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