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Another Pygmy!!!
by pygmybait on September 6, 2003
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I found another pygmy just outside of my fire station about 15 minutes ago!! This little guy looks like he JUST hatched!! Very yellow tip and just a hint of a little button. So, to follow up on the question above, What would a snake this size be feeding on? Frogs? He's a bit smaller than a #2 pencil. Any thoughts? Matt
RE: Another Pygmy!!!
by MrToons on September 6, 2003
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Hey Matt,
That is great you caught him before someone found him and made a pigmy pancake. My captive born baby pigmies start out on day old mice and if they are not receptive I go out and catch the absolute smallest anole lizard I can find. I know they are not as sterile as a feeder rodent but wild snakes eat them and unless they are preyed upon, live for years. good luck getting him started.
RE: Another Pygmy!!!
by pygmybait on September 7, 2003
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Thanks to Jason for pointing out my brain fart. I know pygmies DO NOT HATCH! Let's just forget I even said that......:) Perhaps I should actually read my posts before I put them up???? Thanks guys.
RE: Another Pygmy!!!
by sceniccityreptiles on September 7, 2003
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Try the new one the smallest pinks you can find. If he shows no interest, try scenting them with the lizard smell. Still no luck, try lizards. I saw someone suggested anoles. No harm in trying, but anoles are tree dwelling lizards and the pigmy is a ground dwelling snake. If he does not recognize the pinks as food, there is a good possibility he will not recognize the anoles either. Small ground skinks would then be your next option.
RE: Another Pygmy!!!
by Wollers on September 9, 2003
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The Dusky Pygmys here where I live in Central Florida primarily feed on frogs,anoles,skinks,and small snakes. However, I have never known a W.C. Pygmy to refuse a pinkie/mouse when offered. Dusky Pygmys will grow very fast on a diet of mice for their first 2 years, but after the snake has reached sexual maturity it is a good idea to limit their feedings to every 3-4 weeks as they tend to easily become obease on an all warm blooded diet. Hope that helps.
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