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lucky me more baby snakes!
by thenewdisciple on September 2, 2004
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i walked in yesterday and found one of my coppers i caught this summer gave birth to 8 babies! what an exciting couple of weeks.
RE: lucky me more baby snakes!
by bush_viper17 on September 2, 2004
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Congratulations. I had a copperhead give birth about a week ago. I captured it and it gave birth during captivity to 6 young. I released them all the next day where I found the mother. I also observed a copperhead the previous week give birth to 5 young in the wild. Amazing thing to witness.
RE: lucky me more baby snakes!
by Scootertrash on September 2, 2004
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Congrats man, I guess there will be more worming to do, huh? The first house that my wife and I lived in together was where i first witnessed coppers being born. It's quite a sight. The bad part was, the mother chose to have her babies inside my fence where the dog was so I had to relocate them. I would have prefered to let them be. My wife also said they had to go. You have had quite the luck in acquiring gravid snakes this summer
Good luck with them!
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