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availability of crofab in ohio
by diamondbacklover29 on September 6, 2004
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I keep a Western D.B. Rattlesnake as well as a Broadbanded Copperhead. Ive been in contact with both of my local hospitals in Springfield and both do not carry crofab. How can I find out where would be the closest source just in case. I exercise extreme caution when handling them (only when i have to and with tubes)just curious if their is a place to find out in each state where the closest is. Thank you
RE: availability of crofab in ohio
by Phobos on September 6, 2004
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I just look through my current copy of the National Antivenom Index and I don't see Crofab listed at any of the participating institutions. None,Zip,Nada!
They all have stocks of Wyeth on hand but no Crofab. This list does not include Hospitals. They may have a stock of Wyeth to use up before buying Crofab. Just busy snakebite locations use enough to have restocked Crofab since Wyeth is no longer making antivenom.
Guess you'll have to settle for to old standard. On the bright side you need less because it is not eliminated by your body as fast as Crofab. On the not so good side it's whole goblin and is more difficult for the body to get rid of.
Good Luck,
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