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My Juvenile Albino Monocle
by LordChristensen on September 7, 2004
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I am having trouble getting this young fellow to eat. I do not want to have to force feed him but will have to unless he does by himself. His cage is kept at about 84 degrees complete with small water bowl and hiding spots(hollowed out logs.) Have also tried putting him in seperate small containrer with pinky mouse to no avail. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. The snake is currently about 21-22 inches in length and I have had it for about 1 week since ordering from Florida.
RE: My Juvenile Albino Monocle
by elapidking81 on September 8, 2004
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you sound like every thing is in order give the snake a good bit longer the younger ones have a little trouble eating(sometimes) you said you have a small water dish you need a good large water bowl, most naja kouthia's like to soak alot, but as far as eating as long as he looks good I would nt force feed for that will for sure stress the snake out to the point it may never eat, one other thing if you havent tried it scent the pinky w/ lizard or frog.
hope this helps and good luck,
shane kissinger
RE: My Juvenile Albino Monocle
by Chance on September 8, 2004
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Shane made some good points. Scenting works well for young Najas. I had some baby N. siamensis that got started with frog and lizard scenting. I've also had a baby N. naja that finally began eating on her own after I "gutted" her pinks for her (prekilled of course). Fish scenting also can work for stubborn snakes. Try all those, and see what happens. Good luck!
RE: My Juvenile Albino Monocle
by Phobos on September 9, 2004
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I agree with Shane & Chance. Zoo-med makes a lizard scent in a bottle. I've seen it but have not used it..just my two cents.
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