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Thai antisera
by hoyta on September 8, 2004
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o.k,i know there are usually a bunch of questions on where and how much anti-venom is-sorry,this is one of those!i read the article on kings,and found out a/b thai antisera.i have kept numerous species of cobras,and decided to order a pair of kings.i'm just skeptical if the venom 1 team would be available in time to save me.to be honset,this is the first time i've ever tried to aquire some anti-venom.please let me know your thoughts!-adam hoyt
RE: Thai antisera
by AquaHerp on September 8, 2004
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Antivenene is not sold on the market like tylenol. You'll need to apply for all the various permits through USDA and the FDA. They don't issue these permits freely by any means. Then one must locate a source for the serum and apply for the proper transport permits from that country and source. Then count on it taking months for the entire process to grind through. All this for expensive anti-venene that has a limited shelf life. I always dread the restocking of serum.
RE: Thai antisera
by Phobos on September 9, 2004
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The nearest source of King Cobra AV is in South Carolina at the Zoo. However Zoo's are reluctant to give up their supply in case they need it! Also Doug's dread of the paperwork involved is most likely universal.
You may want to re-think and wait till you have about 20 units minimum of AV in your fridge before keeping Kings. You're right in your thinking that you just may not make it till the AV arrives from other states.
Check in the file library on this website for the paperwork & proceedures to aquire antivenom from outside the USA.
RE: Thai antisera
by AquaHerp on September 9, 2004
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Zoos are indeed reluctant. This is expensive stuff. And since it is still technically considered a "experimental drug" bt the FDA, Zoo's cannot charge the person for the loss of their anti-venene stock. They simply have to eat the loss. Big loss. Otherwise they'd be dealing in drugs which they are not lisenced to do.Yet another reason that zoo personnel encourage the use of safe handling and get bent out of shape when they see someone free-handling or doing something foolish with a venomous animal.
However, keep in mind that a bite victim is a bite victim no matter what the circumstances are. Get bit and ye shall receive.
RE: Thai antisera
Anonymous post on September 9, 2004
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It is irresponsible and inconsiderate to brush off the neccessity for stocking one's own serum, because "the zoos will provide it." "Get bitten and ye shall receive", but the best idea is "get your own, handle them correctly, don't get bit, and Ye....shall receive."
-The Phantom
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