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catching snakes (traps?)
by challenger on September 27, 2004
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There is an area close by that is about to be developed for housing. It is a forrest and I would like to attempt to relocate some of the snakes that occupy the area. One thing I was thinking of using a minnow trap. The kind-w-a small funnel shape opening. I catch a lot of eels in these as they can easily slink in but can't get out. I was thinking of using some mice+bedding from mice for bait. I know this attracts some snake as I've found some near my own discarded piles after cleaning the mouse cages. The animals in this area really have no where to go w/o getting run over. Any help is appreciated.
RE: catching snakes (traps?)
by captiveherps on September 27, 2004
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I dont know if I would put live mice in there. If the snake dosent eat it for some reason the mouse may chew holes in the snake.
RE: catching snakes (traps?)
by roadkruzer on September 27, 2004
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The mouse could be kept in a homemade wire container inside the trap so the mouse doesn't have access to the snake. By putting a potato in with the mouse it will give it someething to eat and moisture to help sustain it. Also try talking to the contractor about calling you when they encounter snakes and allowing you to remove them.
RE: catching snakes (traps?)
by Snakeman1982 on September 27, 2004
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Good on ya for trying to help the snakes in your community. That's great!
Another method you may want to try is to put out cover boards, tin, and maybe a homemade drift fence. These all work well at catching snakes and other herps.
You may want to contact the contractors and let them know for a variety of reasons. But keeping it a secret may not be a bad idea either.
Good luck
RE: catching snakes (traps?)
by Snakeman1982 on September 27, 2004
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Good on ya for trying to help the snakes in your community. That's great!
Another method you may want to try is to put out cover boards, tin, and maybe a homemade drift fence. These all work well at catching snakes and other herps.
You may want to contact the contractors and let them know for a variety of reasons. But keeping it a secret may not be a bad idea either.
Good luck
RE: catching snakes (traps?)
by challenger on September 27, 2004
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I've thought of using real small mice and I would be able to check it more than once/day. I've had a snake become rat food and it left ugly scars so I am aware they can turn predetor. I even had tasty foor in-w-the rat but I suppose he preferred snake? Anyway do these "funnel" type traps work?
As far as talking to the contractor the land has just been cleared so it can be surveyed so there is a fair amount of time before. I suppose I should not judge but I've appraoched many contractors/site work personel and to an individual they state that if they see a snake it better run off quick or it will, "have it's head cut off"
I've seen beheaded corns because they were sworn to be copperheads and rat snakes of course are cotton mouths. this place is snake phobic in a big way
RE: catching snakes (traps?)
by AquaHerp on September 27, 2004
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The little cages they make for holding bird suet work great for containing a mouse within a trap. Simply put the rodent in, and wire it shut. Be sure that the mouse has food also.I used this a lot when live trapping fox. However, I would go with spreading out some ground cover instead. The problem with trapping small animals such as snakes is that it leaves them at the mercy of other animals like raccoons. Once inside a trap they have no means of escape. The ground cover method offers you more variety of snakes and different sizes to target as well.
Although, a minnow trap does indeed work when used properly. I used them frequently for translocating water snakes a couple years back. But their usage on terrestrials is pretty hit and miss, mostly miss.
RE: catching snakes (traps?)
by Phobos on September 28, 2004
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It's a good idea but I would use dirty mouse little from their cages. That way you don't have to use a live mouse.
RE: catching snakes (traps?)
by ALA_herp31 on September 29, 2004
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Sounds like a good idia ...and good on ya for dealing with the problem ......if it was me i would use the ground cover idia most ...but seting a few of the traps my help you get more of the snakes before its to late.........sence you say you can check the traps 2 times a day ...i wouldnt worrie bout predators coming in after the snakes .....being you can check them so often.....well good luck hope you can realy do some good for the snakes in your aria......and hey who knows the contractors mite deside to call you insted of killing the animal .....i know some ppl if you talk to them enouf and explain why your doing it will call and let you know......in my aria i tell evryone i see to call me if thy see a snake in thare yard and most have done so .....so never give up on ppls idias on snakes......happy herping Wally.
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