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Klauberi bite account - link
by DON on November 2, 2000
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Re: Link to "Events of a Klauberi envenomation" found on this site.
Is this a typical envenomation scenario involving c. lepidus? This case (a one fang bite to a finger by a 10" neonate) produced crashing blood pressure and body temps, loss of consciousness, required heart cath. and 14 vials of av. Victim also reports ongoing neurological effects.
This seems like a very serious situation for a bite by one of the supposedly milder rattlesnakes.
What happened here?
RE: Klauberi bite account - link
by Charper on November 20, 2000
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Possibly hit a vein. No, this is not a typical scenario. The majority of bites nationwide - probably 75% or more - are less than moderate envenomations.
RE: Klauberi bite account - link
by Snakeman1982 on January 11, 2001
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This could also just be a bad reaction to the venom. It is hard to imagine a rock rattlesnake doing this to someone. They feed almost entirely on lizards, small snakes, and newborn rodents. They bite very small things and apparently have relatively weak venom considering.
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