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Restrictions around the world
by kacz on February 1, 2007
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On this site we often discuss the laws that exist or are proposed for various states. However, there are reptile keepers and contributors from all over the world. I would like to ask those herpers what the restrictions are in their areas. Please include any information pertaining to reptiles in general, as well as those that are venomous. If there are no restrictions or laws in your area, I would like to know that also.
Thank you,
Paul M. Kaczmarczik
RE: Restrictions around the world
by AlanHyde on February 2, 2007
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Hi Paul,
Here across the whole of UK a DWA license is required for venomous.
This is approved by each boroughs local council and the license is granted by of all people... THE DOG WARDEN!
Councils can each decide thier own requirements and thier own price . A council cannot refuse a DWA providing the person applying meets all the requirements, but they can make it virtually impossible for you to get the DWA by imposing ridiculous restrictions and extremely high prices.
For Example...
When I lived in Chobham my council wanted £1000 per year plus an extra £50 per species. They also wanted of all things , get this... A protective suit outside the outbuilding where the snakes were kept :¬) incase someone else had to enter the building.
When I was applying I put our native venomous snake v.berus among my collection to test the dog warden out. He asked what species it was and I told a solomon island boa as the markings are similar . He commented on what a beautiful snake it was and moved on. So the person deciding on my license didn't even know his own countrys only venomous!
However, Where I am now only asks £225 per year and only ask that phone numbers for bite treatment be on display and that all cages are secure.
So, it really depends on where you live over here.
Hope that's helped a bit,
RE: Restrictions around the world
by ginny on February 2, 2007
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I thought that was HILARIOUS that your DWA inspector didnt know his Adder from his elbow. How can the powers that be be expected to enforce regulations on a subject they know nothing about?
RE: Restrictions around the world
by vanerka on February 2, 2007
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I know in australia your not allowed to export any sort of native repitle and if your caught its a felony charge and you have to be charged according to their laws, whatever thoes may be, but as far as owning them, Im not quite shure...
RE: Restrictions around the world
by Cro on February 2, 2007
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It would seem like if you live in the UK, and want to keep snakes, the best thing you could do would be to run for the office of Dog Catcher, LOL !
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Restrictions around the world
by AlanHyde on February 3, 2007
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Hi John, Ginny.
It certainly is amusing. Trouble is, each council being able to enforce it's own set of rules just tends to push many experienced responsible keepers underground ,As it did with me when I lived in Chobham.
In the end I phoned around and found the most reptile friendly council and moved to that area. Many keepers may not be fortunate enough to be able to do this.
All the best,
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