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this guy just doent get it
by milksnakegreg on February 1, 2007
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the guy who was in the picture holding that gaboon viper in a stupid way just does not get the point does he he posted it up again maybe some one should confront him and ask him to get a new pic. its in the classifieds title gaboon must go makean offer
RE: this guy just doent get it
by sarecho7280 on February 1, 2007
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you've been told that keeping venomous in KS is illegal yet you still ask questions about a good first hot and are actively trying to find people to sell one to you.
RE: this guy just doent get it
by tj on February 1, 2007
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Is that what people are up in arms about? What seems to be the problem with hooking and tailing that snake? Go to the picture pages and you will see far worse. There isn't one keeper in here (except for the internet experts that don't actually keep or handle hots) that has kept snakes for a number of years, that hasn't tailed a hot before. In fact, there are PLENTY of keepers in here that do it on a routine basis, with several bitis species. If it was anyone else...ie someone that all the internet forum people know, then it wouldn't be a problem. But since it's not, he gets grilled for it. He's tailing it with a hook, not freehandling or pinning. If anyone that has never tailed a snake before, and has handled for a number of years, I'd love the input. In not, then it's all hypocritical.
RE: this guy just doent get it
by LarryDFishel on February 1, 2007
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Ok, I've been handling for years and work with everything from mambas, to forest cobras to large kings, and I've never touched a bitis with my hands that didn't have a significant portion of it's body in a tube. Most people I know won't.
You just haven't been on this board long enough if you think anyone here who posts a picture of themselves tailing a bitis doesn't get reamed for it.
If you're comparing pictures of people tailing other species, in most cases there IS no comparison. There are snakes that I tail regularly, snakes that I don't like to tail but will if I have to and then there are snakes like bitits where I would never consider tailing one.
On top of that, he's holding a HEAVY snake by the tip of it's tail. He's holding it closer to his body than I've ever seen any of the other crazy people hold a gaboon, and it's in a position where he has no control over the front end with the hook.
Does anyone have access to a list that includes fatalities from CAPTIVE venomous snakes over the last few years and what snakes caused them? Here is a list of the ones I remember, not in order.
Bitis Gabonica
Bitis Gabonica
Bitis Nasicornis
Bothrops alternatus (treated with crotalus antivenom)
I know I'm forgetting at least one...
RE: this guy just doent get it
by tj on February 1, 2007
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"You just haven't been on this board long enough if you think anyone here who posts a picture of themselves tailing a bitis doesn't get reamed for it."
Ummm, Larry. I've been on this board for longer than you have, longer than most that actually come here anymore. As a matter of fact, I remember you posting on this board BEFORE you started volunteering at your wildlife refuge. That's neither here nor there. I HAVE SEEN some of the popular forum members WITH MY OWN EYES tail gaboons, rhinos, and puff adders. THE SAME people have even posted pictures and movies. Am I saying it's wrong? NO! I've also seen these SAME members with pictures of snakes LARGER than that gaboon. Am I saying it's wrong? NO! What I'm talking about is the fact that anyone else would hear, nice snake, but since he isn't a frequent poster, or member of the self appointed "elite" of the SHHS forum he gets grilled. And as far as those bites you were talking about, none were bitten during tailing any one of those snakes. If they were, please show some legitimate references and not the typical "it happened this way" forum chat.
RE: this guy just doent get it
by Snake18 on February 1, 2007
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I have to say that I don`t like the way the guy in the picture was tailing his gabby. It is a very big and heavy snake and he is holding it by the tip of its tail. That`s what I don`t like about the picture.
Best regards,
RE: this guy just doent get it
by LarryDFishel on February 1, 2007
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I'm on too many boards. Sorry, I probably got you confused with someone else, but my point still stands. Sure I've seen people post those pictures here. I've also seen them get blasted for it. Maybe you missed those, or maybe the threads were taken down before you saw them because they devolved so quickly.
After a quick look through the photo album here, I see a total of TWO pics of people tailing bitis. Between them, those two people contributed a total of ONE post, 5 years ago. One of those photos looks worse than the one we're talking about here, but it isn't if you know what you're looking at (mostly the camera angle), the other is worse and even has the caption "first snake I ever tailed".
Could you give me an example of a pic by one of "the group" that you think is a problem that no one gave them a hard time about? (by email, if you prefer)
I didn't say or mean to imply that those fatal bites were from people tailing. I was just pointing out that on top of being the fastest striking snake on earth and being known for acrobatic, impossible looking strikes they are also particularly deadly. The last 5 or 6 mamba bites I heard about were all nonfatal, whereas 3 of the last 4 bitis bites I know of have been fatal... (Obviously I don't hear about all nonfatal bites, so my perception may be skewed.)
I also forgot to mention that half the reason this guy is so much of an issue is that his ads have been taken down by the modrators about 5 times now and he keeps putting them back up. Dangerous is one thing, but there's no excuse for being annoying. :)
RE: this guy just doent get it
by AlanHyde on February 1, 2007
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Acrobatic strike is the correct term indeed. I have been keeping venomous on and off for over twenty years and I never forget the day I learnt the lesson the hard way.
About ten years ago I tailed a gaboon and I thank my lucky stars that I keep my venomous outside in a garage. Because I was outside I was wearing a thick coat that probably saved my life. The Tailed gaboon backflipped over itself striking towards its tail. Next thing I knew I lifted my arm with a gaboon hanging by the fangs from the forearm area of my coat.
Don't tail the large bitis
RE: this guy just doent get it
by ALA_snake33 on February 1, 2007
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Ok, here we go: I only had the pleasure of working with one Species of the Genus Bitis, this was 3 B. arietans at the Zoo and I only worked with these 3 for 2 ½ Years. Now, the man that taught me Handling Technics, told me to NEVER Tail anything in the Bitis Genre. He said that all of the Larger Bitis can turn over their own Bodies and make you wish you had never been born.
(http://www.tongs.com/shop/index.php?GrID=81&PrID=82 )
Take a look at this Picture, I know it looks funny, but it shows what can happen if you tail one of these Large Bitis.
I would never suggest anyone to Tail anything in the Bitis Genre or any other Large Viper for that mater. As we all know, there is a Technic in which you use 2 Hooks to Support the Body of Heavy Vipers. I think this is probably the best method.
So please, if you are going to be Keeping and do have to Handle any of you Bitis, try using the 2 Hook Method. It could save you and us both a lot of trouble” YOU KNOW”?
Be Safe Ya’ll, Happy Herping : Wally
RE: this guy just doent get it
by jared on February 1, 2007
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Bitis are large dangerous "unassuming" terrestrial ambush vipers. Personally tainling bitis or most vipers for that matter is not smart. Elapids work MUCH better on a hook, easier to control (I have kept lots of various elaps in my time) on the hook and easier to manipulate (even taipans or polyepsis) than any adult Russells or gaboon. And to that point, I know few guys who can stand up and say they got popped by an adult bitis and are still around. Most mamba and cobra bites are quickly solved with antivenin. Look, bushmasters, tercipelos,gaboons are not animals that need to be handled, period. An old snake hunter once told me the more ya touch um the quicker they die, and I believe there may be some simple proof in that. Heck, my chondro doesnt wanna be touched, if you want something to hold there are PLENTY of burms and corn snake. Hots are animals to be observed, not played with.
Jared Watts
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