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question for cobra jason
by milksnakegreg on February 15, 2007
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i am not trying to be rude but other members of this site are not going to like your ad like the controversy over irish viper you might want to remove it or not try to get money off of it because that is what makes them mad hope this helps i am young and only been here about 4 mths but i have seen a lot of controversy and it would be better not to feed the fire with these animals i dont think you meant any harm but still this is a touchy subject
good luck
RE: question for cobra jason
by LuckyStrike on February 15, 2007
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sweet run on sentence i cannot believe public schools dont require three years of high school english in order to graduate but who cares anyway i mean you can read what im typing and it doesnt matter if it looks terrible and reflects poorly on me i mean who came up with this whole grammar thing anyways we should just all write and speak the way we want im working on my own language right now ill keep you guys posted but i promise it wont have any confusing capital letters or punctuation that stuff is for losers
RE: question for cobra jason
by ichabod on February 15, 2007
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Wow, that was funny. I really liked that, let me know how your new language comes out. I need to learn it, it could save me alot of time while writing.
RE: question for cobra jason
by Buzztail1 on February 15, 2007
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The fact of the matter is, Greg, that most people who advertise on this website do not even bother with the forum and only fill out enough of the profile to be able to place an ad and sell, swap or trade their animals.
Quite a few people buy, sell and trade venomoids here without being involved in the creation of them. Once they have been created, it seems, they never manage to stay in one collection for very long. They get traded, swapped and sold as their owners decide they are now ready to move on to something a little more challenging.
Calling out everyone who offers a venomoid for sale, swap or trade here in the forums is just going to stir the pot and raise arguments and bad feelings. It is not the best way to work your way into the venomous keeping community as quite a few anti-venomoid people have found themselves owning one or two through unfortunate trade and package collection deals.
There are many places online to add your name to the vast numbers of people who are against the creation of venomoids.
For the record I am against the creation of venomoids.
I am also against heckling people who are legally advertising their legal animals for legal sale.
I would recommend letting it go.
RE: question for cobra jason
by ichabod on February 16, 2007
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Hey Greg,
No grammer or spelling was his point. He was being factious, wow you have an immense grasp of the obvious!
RE: question for cobra jason
by YoungHerp1 on February 16, 2007
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The kids just trying to ask a question, and lucky ALWAYS does this with young people ive noticed. He makes fun of them for not using correct punctiation or spelling. I mean c'mon its the interent guys, theres no one grading you here. Its called internet talk. You should see how everyone types on A.I.M or myspace. Alls im saying is quit breaking the kids balls because he wanted to get this "question done" that no one is focusing on, besides Buzz. And i agree with him with his answer. noluckystoptryingtofixeveryonestypingerrorsonheregetateachingjoborsomething.
RE: question for cobra jason
by milksnakegreg on February 16, 2007
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hey young herp thanks for pointing this out. i was wondering buzztail wouldnt it be illegal to release a non native venomous species into the wild i think that would cause some problems but i dont know and would the animal survive its not its fault its owner mutilated it
RE: question for cobra jason
by Buzztail1 on February 16, 2007
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Yes, it is illegal to release non-native snakes (and in many states even native snakes that have been kept in captivity) into the wild.
The fact that a snake has been venomoided does nothing, in the eyes of the law, to change its exotic venomous stature. Any young that it produces will not be venomoid but will be fully functioning venomous snakes.
I cannot even come close to a guess on whether or not a venomoided exotic venomous snake would survive being released into the wild. It is a heinous act that should not even be considered. For example: Imagine the result of a newly gravid, venomoid monacled cobra being released in the Everglades. The adult female lays her eggs but does not survive, being unable to kill prey and therefore sustain herself. BUT, the eggs survive, hatch and newborn cobras that don't know that they are not supposed to survive there are suddenly finding a smorgasboard of small lizards, frogs and rodents to feed and grow upon. Next, some 8 year-old kid who has been faithfully studying his page-worn Peterson Series Reptile Field Guide finds a small snake that hoods up when threatened and grabs it because he KNOWS that the only snake in his area that hoods up is the Hognose Snake!
What a fun scenario! (SARCASM in case it gets lost in the translation)
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