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I need some help/guidance.
by JediPeaceFrog on February 15, 2007
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Hello all. If any of you have read my profile, you'll know that I'm an experience 'hot' handler. My experience is mainly with prairies, 7 years keeping them, and my whole life dealing with them. (you can't really walk very far in montana without tripping over a prairie) I'm from Montana, born and raised, which brings me to my problem. Since it's legal to handle/keep/breed prairies since it's native to montana, I never was really into anything else, therefore never had to have a hot permit/license. now that i'm trying to 'move up' to gaboons, saws, etc, it's of course illegal to keep 'exotics'. kind of leaves me in a quandry. now I can't continue with my hobby, since I can't get a permit to keep a bitis, or pretty much anythign else. don't get me wrong...I love prairies, but I'd like to expand my hobby to include preferably a bitus gabonica, and a saw. can anybody help me, or give me pointers on how to deal with this? My email is: ledzep_1971@yahoo.com Any help would be greatly appreciated. Daniel.
ps: nice to be here, by the way. this seems to be a great little community full of useful info and pleasant folks.
RE: I need some help/guidance.
by agkistrodude on February 15, 2007
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Hey Daniel, the info that I just pulled up says that you don't need a permit for native or exotic venomous in Montana.It may be outdated though.Go to www.pullianspetcenter.com and look under venomous laws by state. Theres an address of who you need to talk to. Hope it helps, Marty
RE: I need some help/guidance.
by Cro on February 15, 2007
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Daniel, the State of Montana does seem to have the ability to issue permits to keep controlled wildlife.
Wether or not they will issue you one, is a different problem.
You might want to give the folks at this address a call and ask them what the requirements are. I am guessing that if you were involved in some sort of research project associted with a State University or agency, your chances would be better than just wanting to keep pets.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: I need some help/guidance.
by BobH on February 16, 2007
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Hi Daniel, if there is a law, there is always some way around it. Just some possibilities: you could start your own zoo and be open 1 day a year? you could apply for a scientific collecting permit and do research on the prairies and then tell them you want to comparable your prairie data with gaboons? You could apply for a commercial venom extractor license and milk the snakes once a year? Any other ideas??
RE: I need some help/guidance.
by JediPeaceFrog on February 16, 2007
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Thanks for the input, folks. Montana does indeed now require a permit/license to handle/keep hots. From what I understand, the law just came into effect within the last 5 years. how little did I know. I guess I will have to resort to endeavor with the prairies. You never know...maybe I'll become the world's foremost authority on Crotalus viridis viridis!
I would really like to apply for a license, though. Any hints/pointers in regards to this? I suppose I could try doing the 'zoo' thing, as BobH recommended. That would at least have validity attached to it. Well, thanks again for all the help, folks. Drop me a line if you've got any advice on tackling the license thing. Peace and truth. Daniel.
RE: I need some help/guidance.
by Cro on February 17, 2007
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Daniel, try to find someone in your state who allready has a liscense and ask then how they went about getting one.
If there are any reptile dealerships in the state, that could work. You might also try to find folks at Herpetolgoical Societys who have permits, and try to find folks who do educational talks on reptiles. And you could ask your Game and Fish folks for the names of some commercial permit holders. They may or may not provide that information to you.
I can`t find a listing for a Wyoming Herp Society, but the Idaho Herp Society, Colorado Herp Society, and the Iowa Herp Society all claim to have overlapping memberships in your state. Someone in one of those societies is likely to live in your state and have a Wyoming Permit.
You also could contact your State Herpetologist, and tell him of your interests in research on Prarie Rattlesnakes. The fellows name is Bill Turner.
Take a look at this link:
Hope this helps.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: I need some help/guidance.
by JediPeaceFrog on February 17, 2007
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Check this out...this is a page which contains info on Montana's laws concerning transport of exotic species. If you look, it says that any prohibited species may be transported into the state providing that the shipper can prove evidence of legal ownership. except, of course, with regards to fish, which is sacred topic here in montana, with our economy so much intertwined with blue-ribbon trout fishing. if somebody would look that over for me, and tell me if they are reading it the same as I am. Thanks. Daniel.
RE: I need some help/guidance.
by Cro on February 17, 2007
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Daniel, sorry about jumping from Montana to Wyoming in my above post. The Idaho Herp Society says it also has members in Montana, and would be a good contact for you.
As far as what you posted about transporting animals, all it really says is that animals can be transported through the state if you have proof of them coming from somewhere else.
From the regulations it would seem your best bet is to set up some commercial non-profit reptile display, or to find a way to set up a business that will justify having them for photography or film making, or set up a research project of some sort.
Best Regards JohnZ
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