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My Red Western Diamondback got bit
by johnDoe760 on May 11, 2007
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Hey Everyone .
My Red got bit by another red on the side of its face.
Is there anything i can do to ensure that it does'nt die? . Or should i just let the venom run its coarse?.
ANY HELP! Would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
RE: My Red Western Diamondback got bit
by Cro on May 11, 2007
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Travis, there is really nothing you can do to help.
Give it time and let the natural immunity do its thing.
Hopefully, the snake will survive.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: My Red Western Diamondback got bit
by johnDoe760 on May 11, 2007
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hey thanks Johnz . Ya thats the conclusion i came to earlier. i wouldnt wanna take risks i shouldnt. thanks, i hope it survives too. swelling has gone down a lil bit.
RE: My Red Western Diamondback got bit
by GREGLONGHURST on May 12, 2007
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When a snake is bitten by one of its own species, chances are it will survive unless there is severe damage done by the fangs, such as puncturing a vital organ.
RE: My Red Western Diamondback got bit
by johnDoe760 on May 14, 2007
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Well i checked him out the best i could. its been close to three days now and he seems to be just fine. theres still sum swelling, but not as bad anymore. he's been moving around a bit, drank some water. looks like he's gonna pull thru. thanks you guys :)
o p.s i now have him in a seperate cage. which i should have done to begin with.
RE: My Red Western Diamondback got bit
by Cro on May 15, 2007
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Travis, it is good to hear that the Diamondback is making a good recovery. Most venomous snakes have very good resistance to their own type of venom, but not allways.
If a fang does physical damage to an internal organ, it can kill the snake quite quickly.
We had a large Puff Adder at AZP that bit himself midbody in a feeding reaction. Not only did his own bite kill the snake, but it also digested most of his insides. We wound up with basically a Puff Skin full of liquid snake. Very nasty, LOL !
I also watched a friend doing a snake show once in front of several hundred people. He had two large Cottonmouths he was working with on seperate hooks. One Cottonmouth bit the other one in the middle of its head, and it died immediatly right there on the snake hook. It did not even twitch, LOL. You should have seen him trying to explain that to his audience with "well, they do that some times," LOL. All his further talk about how venomous snakes are not all that dangerous probably fell on deff ears, LOL.
Best Regards JohnZ
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