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Cage cleaning
by David_Eakin on May 29, 2007
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Why is it that when I clean the cage, no matter how long it's been since my snake ate, he defecates as soon as I put him back in the cage? It's like when you change the litter in a cat box they all have to run mess it up. It's like he holds it waiting for me to give him a clean place to go. It wouldn't be a big deal except it's a habitat type setup so it messes up the substrate.
Anyway, I guess my question is, do they do this to mark territory?
RE: Cage cleaning
by SnakeEyes2006 on May 29, 2007
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I am no expert, but I would say in a way yes. And also he/she might be saying thanks for getting all of that old stuff out and giving me a clean place to go.
But my money is on the fact that snakes do leave scent trails and like other animals probally mark their territory, so with that note, then yes that is what it was doing. Even though you are right, everytime I clean my cages all my snakes decide to go, and also shed. Man that can really urk a person!! Then it is back to sweeping/shop vacing it all out and putting new substrate in, A herpers work is never done...
later Shawn
RE: Cage cleaning
by LarryDFishel on May 29, 2007
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Personally, I think it's just a matter of handling them loosening things up. I'm not sure how you would prove it though.
RE: Cage cleaning
by David_Eakin on May 29, 2007
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Actually, he stays in a hollow cork log all day. I just pick the log up with a short snake hook in each end and put it into a different container. He stays pretty undisturbed. One of the benefits of have a fairly docile snake. (Yes I have a fairly well thought out plan if he decides to come flying out mid transit)
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