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FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by tigers9 on May 29, 2007
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page updated with info on writing to FL governor asking him to veto the Python bill, write even if you don’t live in Florida.
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by Buzztail1 on May 29, 2007
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Now isn't it IRONIC that the sample letter to the Governor is written by the very same self-serving woman who sponsored this whole issue!
I am all for fines and imprisonment for people who release pythons and anacondas.
I am not at all for legalizing something that is as impossible as a $10,000 insurance bond to exhibit venomous snakes.
Guess the Senate and the House of Florida want the children of Florida to be ignorant of their wildlife.
Write and let the Governor know how wrong this is.
Karl H. Betz
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by tigers9 on May 29, 2007
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I think you must be confuisng hypocrite Carole Baskin of BCR (Big Cat RESCUe)
with Gloria JOhnson of Cougar ridge who wrote the sample letter and Glorias is not Baskin's friend and is PRO private ownerhip.
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by LarryDFishel on May 29, 2007
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Unfortunately, this bill passed uninmously in the senate and nearly so in the house. While I suppose the governor COULD veto it, I can't imagine there's any chance he would. I also assume it would be overridden ten minutes later...
But yes, I've been planning on getting my exhibition permit, so I can give FREE educational talks. Probably not going to happen if I have to pay for a $10,000 bond on top of the permit fees...
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by richardduckworth on May 29, 2007
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buzztail, you're all for people being "responsible" and keeping the required a/v for their exotic hot collection, right? $10,000 wouldn't be enough for a lot of personal collections. why is a $10,000 bond any more ridiculous? afterall, captive boids kill more people than captive hots.
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by LarryDFishel on May 29, 2007
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Um... Because it's a penal bond. It's not payable to anyone who gets hurt. It's payable to the FWC as a fine. And it's a bond, not insurance. The bond fee is money flushed down the toilet is why it's ridiculaous.
Add to that the fact that the current $1,000 bond has been on the books for 30 years and I was told by FWC that it has NEVER been payed out...not once. Now tell me why raising this bond makes sense.
That means that for 30 years every exhibitor in FL has paid roughly $100 a year for NOTHING. I'm not talking about the permit fee which helps fund FWC and so at least makes a bit of sense. I'm talking about the bond payments.
Sorry, I'm probably rambling, but this one really irritates me.
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by Buzztail1 on May 29, 2007
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Nope Zuzana, no mistake at all.
I read her whole letter.
She feels it is okay to slap the $10,000 bond issue (which she admits is only available by one provider in the whole country who charges exhorbitantly) on reptile displayers but not on herself because that would impact her wallet too.
"Being the only lobbyist on CWTAG and with the same concerns of the stakeholders around the state I “babysat” the bill to try to get it to pass without someone amending it. I fielded calls and emails in my home from all over the state promising people this would be ONLY REPTILES as I was constantly told. I believe more people contacted me than the Sponsors."
"I had lobbied it for free for 2 years and did not take a summer job to serve on CWTAG."
Sounds like she was pushing it to me!
"I have received a community service award for teaching local schools, senior centers, girl and boy scouts about why and how animals become extinct and they learn how to respect wildlife. I consider it a God-given mission and my animals are treated like children. Let myself and others avoid a “hidden ban” by using monetary ways to push us out of our lifestyles."
I have two medals from the U.S. Navy for my presentations to public schools, scout groups, wives clubs, etc using my snakes to teach children what snakes not to pick up in their yards. I have over 30 years of experience giving these presentations and have never been bitten or placed anyone in danger with my animals. But I am not worthy to avoid "the hidden ban" because I keep snakes and not cats. Sorry, I have no sympathy for her or anyone who points the finger of legislation at someone else hoping to keep it away from themselves.
Richard, did you read what I wrote? Did you read the bill or the sample letter? It has nothing to do with antivenom nor my stance on that. If people were releasing exotic venomous into the wild, I would publically call for their imprisonment also! The $10,000 bond does not go to pay any medical fees or reparations. It is a forfeit fine paid to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. Since the current $1,000 bond has never been paid out, who actually benefits from this? The insurance salesman, of course! So, just as in Georgia, Florida keepers will soon be out of their ability to display their animals based not on their knowledge or ability but on the strength of their wallet. [Begin sarcasm here] Wow, that seems fair. Let me jump in and vote for that! Only rich people should be able to show their snakes! [End sarcasm here]
The fact is that I never said anything about venomous snakes or boids killing anyone. I said: "I am all for fines and imprisonment for people who release pythons and anacondas." I stand by that.
Since it seems to be on your mind and somehow connected to me:
It has never been me that fronted the personal possession of antivenom. Check back through the posts. Not once did I ever introduce that idea. I think that it would be a responsible thing to do. I have never said (or believed) that it should be mandatory. However, I also think that it is silly to expect the local hospital in Peoria, Illinois (just an example picked at random) to have Bushmaster antivenom (another random example) on hand or even a doctor who is conversant in how to treat such a bite. In this country, it seems to have become the norm to blame everyone else but ourselves for anything that goes wrong. Well if someone gets bitten by their exotic snake, 1) it is not the on call doctor at the local medical facility's fault 2) it is not the media's fault 3) it is not the people who responded to the person in any forum's fault 4) it is not the local zoo's fault 5) it is not Venom 1's fault 6) by definition this list is endless! IT IS THE FAULT OF THE PERSON WHO CHOSE TO KEEP THE SNAKE!!!
It would therefore follow that any preparation that the person keeping the snake could make to lessen the impact of a bite would be to their benefit (such as keeping protocols, meeting with their local medical facility staff to discuss options, arranging for antivenom, etc). Required? No. A good idea? YES!
"buzztail, you're all for people being "responsible" and keeping the required a/v for their exotic hot collection, right?"
Hope that clears up my positions discussed here on the site. If anyone would like to discuss any of my positions with me, my email is Buzztail1@hotmail.com
Again, I implore you all to write to the Governor about this travesty.
Karl H. Betz
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by tigers9 on May 29, 2007
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This is her reply to your original letter, just posting for her since she doesn't have an account here.
Just like me, Gloria can get passionate and hot headed, so maybe you two can work it out privately:)
-----Original Message-----
From: gjpanthergirl@aol.com
To: Experts@venomousreptiles.org
Sent: Tue, 29 May 2007 10:32 pm
whoa there cowboy! You are confusing me with my arch enemy Carol Baskin. I was on the CWTAG Committee, didn't know anything about reptiles but knew this could be a potential vehicle to add other species. THAT is why I babysat and lobbied the "PYTHON" bill for 2 years (with no pay I might mention). It was to make sure no one like Baskin put crap on it like it did get. And that is why I want it vetoed. The bad news happened when one of my cougars had a very serious surgery and couldn't go to the capitol for 4 days. I gave 2 years salary to drop all my other clients and look out for us Class I mammal owners. Ironically all the money I lost is why if anyone can't cut the mustard with the bond or insurance it might be me. I am a Class I licensee and I got screwed. I was on a committee which helped draft just the reptile part and it was experts like Eugene Bessette who actually helped draft, I just sat back and worried about how it could get screwed up. You owe me an apology and a great big thank you! Session has been over about 3 weeks and I'm still working to get this damn thing killed. What have YOU done. Now if you really care write a dang letter.
Gloria Noble Johnson
Cougar Ridge Educational Center
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by tigers9 on May 29, 2007
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Ok, this FL issue is getting too thick, I have no clue who "Eugene Bessette" mentioned in Gloria's post is, I don't know much about FL reptile politics and who the players are and who hates who,I am extermely busy just going to gov meetigns with local idiots psuhing for more regs here and trying to keep REXANO going. I am well informed about Florida's own cat woman, BCR, and know to not trust that place.
This infigthting makes us weaker and wastes our time though.:(
RE: FL python bill, ask governor to VETO
by Buzztail1 on May 29, 2007
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My public apology:
I misrepresented Gloria Noble Johnson's involvement in this issue by stating that she sponsored this legislation. In fact, she did not sponsor it.
She "babysat" the bill to ensure that mammal keepers were not thrown into the same financial burden that reptile keepers were being lined up for.
I apologize for the misunderstanding and any detriment to her over the difference between the two positions.
She is actively seeking to get the bill killed and I recommend that you all do the same.
Write to the Governor of Florida and let him know in a legible and intelligent way why a $10,000 bond to display venomous reptiles is a detriment to an already embattled education system where I and countless others have given freely of our time and effort to show children (and educators) the value to the ecosystem of venomous reptiles and is patently unfair discrimination against reptile keepers.
Karl H. Betz
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