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Educational Demonstration or PR Nightmare??
by Chameleon21 on April 26, 2002
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I feel it was irresponsible of these professional to make this demonstration look like it's no big deal to handle these venemous and deadly species. Scratching the cobra on the head and downplaying the danger involved gives people the idea that anyone can do this, and that's not the case at all. These people have had years of experience working with these snakes and years of training to learn how to handle them properly. Without this knowledge your chances of being bit are greatly increased, and should be strongly emphasized to deter people from trying this themselves. Also, a full understanding of why a snake does or doesn't bite should be included in any demonstration. After all, this is supposed to educate the audience, not provoke them into going out and finding a snake to play with. Handleing venemous snakes is not a game and should be done by trained professionals ONLY. This doesn't mean you have to be a degreed herpetologist. It just means you should have plenty of experience with handleing snakes and an extensive understanding of the behavior of the snake you decide to handle, especially if it's a deadly species. A bite can happen in 1/10th of a second, before you even realize whats going on, and even trained professionals can make mistakes. Once a mistake is made and the snake bites, it's too late to think about what you should or shouldn't have done. Not all bites contain envenomation, but if you're antagonizing the snake the chance of envenomation is greatly increased, and could prove to be fatal. If you have a desire to work with or handle venemous snakes, have the common sense to learn the proper techniques from somebody who is trained in this area.
Another problem to consider is there is currently a shortage of crotala polyvalent (rattlesnake anti-venin) in the united states and may not be available this entire season, so think twice before going out to find a rattlesnake, copperhead, or cottonmouth to play with. Although copperheads and cottonmouths aren't officially considered deadly, everybody reacts differently to envenomation. Aside from this, anaphylaxis can prove to be fatal in itself.
I vote nightmare.... and an accident waiting to ha
by Vanyul on April 29, 2002
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To me, this also sounds like a PR disaster. Another thing it sounds like, is that these "deadly" animals were probably altered surgically (venommoid).
I have my own opinion on this highly controversial subject, and therefore will not open up this can of worms, but... I as well as many other people, own both hot and venomoid animals. And I also, like many people have a website. I did at one point have pictures of myself holding some of these venomoid animals. Then one day a gentleman emailed me letting me know that from his viewpoint, this was not a good idea (especially when viewed by people who were new to the hobby of "hot herping."
Luckily this gentleman was very respectful and polite in his email and it made me take a look at this from his viewpoint. It was at that point that I realized that he was right. I removed those pictures and now only post pictures of "responsible," and "safe" handling of these animals. Someone viewing these pictures (or viewing shows like the one in point), do not know that these nimals are venomoid. They may indeed leave and attempt these "stunts" on their own. Next thing you know, it's all over the media. This could of course be devestating to our hobby.
What we do in our own homes is our business. What we do in public however, can and will influence how our hobby is viewed by the general lay-public and indeed people new to the hobby as well. I believe that we must always handle these animals in a way as to portray safe and responsible handling and RESPECT for these animals. If we choose to pursue this hobby, I think this is our DUTY not our choice.
I'm sorry that this is, as I'm sure it is, continuing to go on at that park, and that they are continuing to profit from this.
Anyway, getting off the soap box,
P.S. Thank you to the SHHS member (you know who you are,) who pointed me in the right direction.
Educational Demonstration or PR Nightmare??
by Hotstuff on April 29, 2002
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The snakes in this "demo" were in fact NOT surgically alter in any way. As demonstrated when the "expert" was showing the fangs of a rattler, and venom was dripping on the tip of the fang.
Educational Demonstration or PR Nightmare??
by filthy on April 30, 2002
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Profesionals? Only in that they draw a paycheck. Otherwise, I think not.
I would bever consider doing a presentation in such a manner.
RE: Educational Demonstration or PR Nightmare??
by Vanyul on April 30, 2002
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That is a VERY disturbing thought. Garbage like that makes the entire hobby look bad. It is a media frenzy waiting to happen.
Thanks for the info Jason,
RE: I vote nightmare.... and an accident waiting t
by mbslither on August 18, 2002
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What a shame! Certainly a disaster in the making.
I've only been to one "demonstration" and that was at the Edisto Island Serpentarium in South Carolina. It was completely unlike what you describe. The snakes for the demo were in locked boxes and brought out one at a time, put into glass viewing tables and discussed. In fact, the "coral snake" for the demo was a plastic fake, because it was felt the demo would be stressful to a coral snake as they are rather shy and retiring. You can be sure there was no "teasing" of the snakes to make them strike!
After the demo of rattler, copperhead, water moccasin, and "coral snake", they brought out a Ball Python, by hand, which elicited gasps and cries from the entire audience - except the few who recognized it. :)
Folk were able to come up and touch the python and talk to the presenter. I was quite pleased with this show and am sorry your boys couldn't have seen such a program.
Professional demonstrations
by jared on September 6, 2002
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I have viewed a handfull of very poorly done venomous reptile demonstrations. One being at the Raliegh reptile expo a few years back. Apparently they had hired him to do a presentation on herps. He had a fairly large atrox and a couple cottons to demo. Well i will skip to the good parts. While standing in a 7x 7 plastic barrier he proceeds to place the animals on the ground together all around his feet. well while demonstrating he asked (one really stupid mother) a woman if she could move her 5 kids who were all between5 and 10 further back. well she obviously ignored him in front of everyone. seeming a little pissed he demonstrates a cotton (bout 4 ft) by tailing it over the barrier RIGHT OVER THE CHILDRENS HEADS NO SHIT! the mother quickly drug her kids back after he noted how dangerous the animal is. later he demonstrates the rattlers (remember these are atrox) strike range wearing snake boots. Well lets just say the largest atrox made a straight up lundge that easily cleared his boot and almost landed on his knee cap! As he jumped back i think he may have been more startled than the crowd. those were the show stoppers, but as stated by my man phil, professional only in the fact that they get a check,
jared w
RE: PR Nightmare!!
by reticulator on October 10, 2002
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People need to realize just how much respect these hot herps demand. What did that little cobra or "balloon popper" do to be forced into it's normal defensive reaction? Oh, I know why it took so long for the rattler to react. He instinctively knew that the moron that was playing Herpetological roulette with him could break his back before the venom took effect. I would love to keep hots. But I know that I am niether experienced enough, nor do I have the resources(caging tongs deviders bagging systems antivenom etc.) to keep a mamba or other hot snake. For now I stick to colubrids pythons and lizards. I was at the berks show I saw an A$$whole Vendor try to sell my 13 year old an Eastern DB. When confronted he simply stated that he'll sell a snake to anyone " I don't give a damn." was his reply. We need to have some responsibility in this hobby of Hot snakes. I hope to someday keep them (if my wife allows it) and I don't want some federal law denying this before I get the chance.
RE: Educational Demonstration or PR Nightmare??
by getyourownserum on February 21, 2003
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I just read this article finally. I found great amusement in the inaccuracies of what you said I said in my demonstration and to you. Unfortunately none of these are the things that I say in ANY of my programs or to anyone in the general public. I personally loathe the fact that the private sector keeps venomous snakes as captives without serum of their own, I certainly may have blown you off after learning that you kept a C. atrox simply because I can't tell you how many times I have had to sit and listen to all of the billy bob stories of "I have a rattlesnake as a pet, tame as could be I tell ya what"
I certainly wish you would have "listened" to the words that came out of my mouth, for if you would have, you may have learned something!
If you cannot remember how many times I stressed in that program to leave any and all snakes alone. Or the statistics of venomous snakebites, the age catagory that takes up 60% of all the snakebites in this country or what to do if you encounter a venomous snake, how to avoid being bitten or what to do if you are bitten....I would certainly be happy to send you a script of my entire program!
The one thing that you need to understand is this...the only way to educate the general public is to entertain.. and I do both very well!
at no time was I anywhere remotely close to any of the venomous snakes in the program, I do make a point to show the public that it is "no big deal" to work with these animals because it isn't! this profession is far less dangerous than being an electrition or carpenter or even susie homemaker. If you know what you are doing. Fortunately I do! At no time have I ever stated that I were a "professional" Or an "expert" Both of which mean you have nothing left to learn. If there is anyone in this field that is an expert I would certainly like to speak with them because I have a lot of questions to ask him/her.
My advise to you is to learn a little more about the information you present to others before you "assume" anything. We all know what you get when you spell "assume"
Best Regards to all
If any would like to respond please feel free to contact me at thegatorboy@rushmore.com
RE: Educational Demonstration or PR Nightmare??
by getyourownserum on February 21, 2003
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Rereading your article a second time is even funnier, One more point I would like to make.
You say you asked me if I thought it was a good Idea to focus so much on the aspects that people fear the most? My answer is this
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