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O. Hannah Help
by varanussalvadorii on June 27, 2007
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Hello everyone,
Do to the scarcity of info on this cobra, I have come here to ask if anyone can help give me some good husbandry info. Any information at all is greatly welcomed. Thank you in advance!
RE: O. Hannah Help
by Buzztail1 on June 27, 2007
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You will probably not receive much useful information without filling in your profile.
One of the site members actually wrote a captive care article on keeping King Cobras a few years back. I am sure it is still available somewhere.
RE: O. Hannah Help
by Rob_Carmichael on June 27, 2007
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I agree with Karl, fill out your info and ask SPECIFIC questions. I've kept a number of kings and currently keep one in our exhibit and I'd be happy to share some helpful hints. The article on this website is very good too.
Rob Carmichael, Curator
The Wildlife Discovery Center
RE: O. Hannah Help
by varanussalvadorii on June 27, 2007
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I need to know enclosure size for an neonate and adult male,and what you use for both. I am planning on keeping the temps around 75-78 ambient and 84-86 hot spot, with the humidity being around 60% with 80 high and 40 low, letting it dry out over night. I would also like to hear some personal experiences on keeping them and little hints that you can only find by keeping them. Thanks again.
RE: O. Hannah Help
by RepFan on June 28, 2007
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Here is the address for the article that Karl was referring to above.
It answers all the questions you have asked but has much more to offer as it covers all aspects of the the captive care and husbandry of the species.
~ Todd
RE: O. Hannah Help
by jparker1167 on June 29, 2007
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what cobras have you worked with ? i didnt see any cobras in your profile a king wouldnt be a good cobra to learn with lol
RE: O. Hannah Help
by KingCobraFan on June 30, 2007
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You might have the cart before the horse. I'd STRONGLY
recommend getting the mentor and some king experience first, then the snake.
Bill Huseth
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