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Mices and other live foods
by Cro on July 11, 2007
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Because of the poor quality of the many brands of frozen rodents on the market, (I have tried almost every brand out there, and am not happy with any of them), I am starting to raise my one live foods again (mice and rats). Doing this is not much fun at all as rodents are messy and smelly, and often more trouble than they are worth.
If I get back into this venture, I could purchase 100 rodent cages, and start a production of mice and rats.
So, the question is this. How many of you GA folks are willing to drive to Lawrenceville to purhase Live Mice and Live Rats. I also would probably offer wingless fruit flys, (Drosophola). And how many mice and rats would you purchase per month? I am sure I could beat the pet store prices on live mice and rats. I do not want to ship at all, just sell locally, or at reptile shows.
Before I decide to buy a bunch of cages and breeder mice, I need to know if there is a market in this area for mice and perhaps other feeders like fruit flys.
Anybody in GA looking to purchase live mices for snake food ? What are folks paying now days for mice, rats, hoppers, and pinks. How far are you willing to drive to purchase your feeders ?
This information will help me know if it is worth the effort to create a live animal food business in this area.
RE: Mices and other live foods
by petra on July 11, 2007
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John, you may want to contact small pet shop owners. If you will have reasonable prices they may be buying from you in larger amounts than private keepers.
I know the guy from a local pet store drives all the way to TX to buy rodents (I live in KS).
RE: Mices and other live foods
by Peter84Jenkins on July 12, 2007
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I would. besides your not to far from me anyway so it would be a crime not to help you out. Let me know if and when you start.
RE: Mices and other live foods
by herpboy on July 12, 2007
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John, you can count me in. It would be nice to have close access to live feeders without having to bother with all of the shipping.
Bryan Hudson
RE: Mices and other live foods
by COYOG on July 12, 2007
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You are to far for me to drive.
But you were asking about prices.
In Jacksonvill NC
Mice 1.69 and they are not big
small 3.99
med 4.69
large 5.99
Xlarge 6.99 (if you can get them)
jumbo 7.99 (again if you can get them)
Pinkey 1.29
fuzzy 1.59
hopper 1.59
mouse 1.69
Pinkey 1.69
weaned 2.99
small 3.99
med 4.69
large 5.99
xlarge 6.99
jumbo 7.99
hope that helps
RE: Mices and other live foods
by petra on July 12, 2007
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Here are prices from a local pet store:
Pinks Frozen Only $.93
Fuzzy Frozen $1.18
Adult Live & Frozen $ 1.40
Small Live & Frozen $2.50
Medium Live & Frozen $ 4.50
Large Live & Frozen $ 6.50
RE: Mices and other live foods
by Cro on July 12, 2007
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Thanks Friends !
This gives me some idea of what the market is like and the prices that are out there.
I will let you know if I decide to go ahead with this venutre.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Mices and other live foods
by SpikeyReptiles on July 12, 2007
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Here the prices from the local pet shop around here...
Pinkies live and frozen .89
fuzzys live and frozen .99
Adults live and froazen .89
smalls live and frozen 2.19
mediums live and frozen 3.99
larges live and frozen 4.99
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