RE: toxicity
by Aries54 on April 8, 2008
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Kid, WILL mess up the hobby. I'm sure of it. And as far as your parents go,............well,....they're just as bad. It's a fact. I dont expect you to understand.
RE: toxicity
by Phobos on April 8, 2008
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Ya know in all fairness to Arin, there are many adult that don't do the hobby any favors, like that dude "Rabbit". One thing getting bit which can happen to any of us but to keep animals it awful conditions too. That's what ALF/Peta love to see.
RE: toxicity
by Aries54 on April 9, 2008
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You're right. Those type of people and young kids that have no idea what they're doing should not be allowed to have them. End of story.
RE: toxicity
by puffadder7 on April 9, 2008
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dont get jelous because you werent doing it at my age, the ponit is you cant do anything about it, if you dont believe me that the snakes i have i will send you some pics just name the snake, and no i have not been bit unlike you 'yet' so aries54 thats the end of the story;+
RE: toxicity
by Aries54 on April 9, 2008
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Oh, well, I'm very sorry little boy that I offended you. GET OVER IT! When you get bit,....and you will,......all you're going to hear is "we told you so."
RE: toxicity
by jparker1167 on April 9, 2008
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puff im still waiting for the cobra pics you said you where sending me when you emailed me and said you had more experience then i do. i just wonder about the post you said you are waiting for your texas permit so you can get some naja, when you told me you had them already
RE: toxicity
by Aries54 on April 9, 2008
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BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HE CALLED HIM A TROLL! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm sorry, this whole thing has just become very funny to me. And kinda pathetic. Guys, why are we wasting our time with a liar? Good luck kid. Try not to get yourself killed.
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