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Which is more deadly, the taipan or the black mamb
by Patch on July 4, 2003
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Which is more deadly,the black mamba or the taipan (and not just on venom)?
RE: Which is more deadly, the taipan or the black
by BGF on July 4, 2003
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How do you figure a mamba is more dangerous? I'd say that nothing separates the two of them. An adult of either one is by far the most difficult animal to deal with. They are good representatives of that ironic French saying 'they are wicked animals, when attacked, they defend themselves vigorously'.
RE: Which is more deadly, the taipan or the black
by cottonmouth on July 4, 2003
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I would have thought the speed and slickness of the Mamba would make the difference.
RE: Which is more deadly, the taipan or the black
by Ferdelance_1 on July 5, 2003
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Obviously you know little about Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus or Oxyuranus scutellatus canni. These serpents just like their counterpart, Dendroaspis polylepis, are lighting fast. grow to in excess of ten feet, defend themselves via a multiplicity of bites, and possess one of the most potent venoms on the planet.
Derek K.
RE: Which is more deadly, the taipan or the black
by cottonmouth on July 5, 2003
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I knew that, but for what ever reason, thought the B Mamba was a bit more dangerous, but we learn more as we go HUH.
RE: Which is more deadly, the taipan or the black
by chewwy on July 5, 2003
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Now of course it all depends on what Taipan Patch is referring to. If it is the Inland or a couple others, than the Black M is far more dangerous and Cottonmouth wouldn't be to far off. I would like to see Steve Erwin lay on the ground and let a Black M crawl up to his face and give him a sniff. P.S I love the Croc Hunter, he was in Indo catching cobras on yesterdays episode.
RE: Which is more deadly, the taipan or the black
Anonymous post on July 6, 2003
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With apologies to Australia's Taipan, the black Mamba is probably the top runner for the most dangerous snake in the world. With 12 mph speed gives it the edge over others.
Dangerous and deadly are different things
by jared on July 7, 2003
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Puff adders, saw scales, common cobras, and russells vipers claim the most lives every year, neither the black mamba or the taipan are even close. Most of the guys I know with aussie elapids say the eastern browns are the biggest pain in the ass to work with. And most of the mamba guys I have chatted with say Jamesons and Kimoesea (SP?) are the most tempermental and problematic of the mambas. But then again, that was just the word round the camp fire.
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