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by BitisMeOnce on September 16, 2003
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I would like to know if I could keep a southern copperhead and a pair of pigmy rattlesnakes in a forty gallon breeder tank. I want to set it up in a habitat kind of setting and feed the snakes in a seperate container. If not, are there any species that would be safe to keep in the same enclosure?
RE: Husbandry
by jared on September 16, 2003
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It depends, if the pigs are bigger than the coppers, you may end up with some coppers getting eaten. Pigs in general are a species I wouldnt keep with others,simply for there opportunistic and sometimes cannabalistic diets. Coppers tend to do well with canes and timbers (Northerns and southerns)but I couldnt recommend keeping them with high strung pigs. Hope it helps,
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