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Venomus or Imposter?
by bonniigrace on September 4, 2004
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HELP!!! Never seen a snake like this - coppery color but it has very distinctive black diamonds on its back. Have seen Copperheads around here and it does not look like one. It is a baby, (10 inches long and big around as a man's pinky), which leads us to believe there may be more close by. Any hints of what it might be. We are in Northern part of South Carolina
RE: Venomus or Imposter?
by Phobos on September 4, 2004
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Sounds like it could be a Pigmy Rattlesnake, Look in the photo album on this site. Genus Sisturus
Yes, it's venomous, look but don't touch!
RE: Venomus or Imposter?
by bush_viper17 on September 4, 2004
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yeah it could be a pigmy. At first I thought that it was a diamondback but I dont think they live that far north. Also if you see another take a photo and post it. But stay at a safe distance
RE: Venomus or Imposter?
by elapidking81 on September 6, 2004
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Could be a eastern hognose snake(Heterondon platirhinos ),but there is no way to say for sure what it is with out more detail, or even better a picture.
RE: Venomus or Imposter?
by Joy on September 7, 2004
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It could also be a rosy rat (corn snake). (I get so many of those brought to me as copper heads--dead of course! %*&%#$!!!!!)
If you can see the belly, is it solid colored or "checkered?" If it's checkered, the head is more rounded, and the pupils are round, you most likely have yourself a rat snake. Elaphe guttata.
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