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Sick of it
by Viper_Boy on September 10, 2004
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I was thinking of this today so here it goes. I am almost 16 years old. People say I am too young to be dealing with venomous snakes. I get in trouble for catching snakes in some places even if the snake was in harms way. I am sick of people treating me like I am just a kid that likes snakes, but won't really do anything with them. Is there someway where I can get people to realize that I am serious about what I do in the field? Oh and by the way, if your comment is a negative putdown...DON'T BOTHER ME!!! :-)
RE: Sick of it
by Scootertrash on September 10, 2004
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First, slow down and calm down. I was this age too not so many years back. Although I never actually got into trouble for catching venomous snakes, people didn't understand why I wanted to do it. It was because i had a profound interest in the science. Now almost twenty years later, I am still doing it and have learned a lot about it. There is still a lot for me to learn though. So think of it this way, take this slow and learn as much as you can. You will gain experience and people may start to respect you, or you will continue to be misunderstood. Either way, you will be doing what you seem to love. Just be patient though. This is not a negative put down. However, you must realize that it is unlawful for you to keep hots as you are under age. I too felt frustrated about what people thought when I was your age. there is a lot to learn about this and if you are as interested in it as I think you are, pace yourself and please be careful. All of us here probably went through the same as you are going through now. As for making people understand, some will never understand.
Be safe
RE: Sick of it
Anonymous post on September 10, 2004
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Cheer up, bro. What you are going through isn't uncommon. At least, not for me. My desire to start handling, working, and keeping venomous snakes began to develope when I was 14 years old. My parents and some of my peers criticized my interest as dangerous. The heart wants what the heart wants. If you are truly interested in them than be true to yourself, and follow your heart. Some people just dream their dreams, while others make them come true. When you want something very bad, you take it. Stick with it. You have to be a "duck" and let the water (criticism) roll off your back. Everyone is a critic, and sometimes there is wisdom in the multitudes of counsel. Sometimes not. Listen to what others have to say, use your mind, and discover FOR YOURSELF what is right. Don't let people's comments discourage you; however, since you are young....be mature. Do things the right way, the first time. Stick to your guns. I did. Only if you could see me now.
It is worth mentioning that prohibitive legislation prevents you from keeping venomous reptiles, until you turn 18. This doesn't prohibit you from participating in venomous herpetoculture. Become involved. Be polite to your peers. This hobby caters to a tough crowd of people (and morons). Be prepared. Sooner or later someone may give you some grief. As long as you are doing everything to the best of your ability, "It ain't nuthin' but a thang....". It just doesn't matter.
-The Phantom
was thinking of this today so here it goes. I am almost 16 years old. People say I am too young to be dealing with venomous snakes. I get in trouble for catching snakes in some places even if the snake was in harms way. I am sick of people treating me like I am just a kid that likes snakes, but won't really do anything with them. Is there someway where I can get people to realize that I am serious about what I do in the field? Oh and by the way, if your comment is a negative putdown...DON'T BOTHER ME!!! :-)
RE: Sick of it
by Phobos on September 10, 2004
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Hi Blaize:
Scootertrash is right. Slow down a bit. First the known facts:
1)Yes, you are just a kid
2)I was there once and understand your frustration.
3)This sort of thing happens through out life, in many places & situations, get used to it.
4)Venting to us, here, on this forum is good. Just keep your emotions under control and language clean. Acting disrespectful to anyone,anywhere will win you friends. We are trying to help you, remember that.
5)Listen more than you speak, then speak only when you have thought about what you listened to first. In other words: don't over-react, think big picture.
What the basic problem is that you have a credabitity problem. No one takes what you do seriously. Yes, one reason is your age, no doubt about it, that you have no control over. If you have no way of changing something, don't let it distract you from effecting areas you can change. To gain credability you need to become active in your community. Volunteer at a local zoo or nature center where you will get to work with experts who have credability. Volunteer at a local park or befriend a park ranger. Join a local Herp society is another way. Work with the local fire department as a Jr/volunteer member. If people see you in these rolls they with equate this with wisdom/mature for your "age" and add to your credability level.
Education is key! Don't let your school work falter in any subject. Even the subjects you find repulsive, just a "right of passage" you have to endure. The better your grades, the better your overall image appears, not to mention getting into a college with a good herp program.
Remember, Your problem is the same problem every other 16 yr old Male on the planet is having.
Good Luck,
RE: Sick of it
by timberrattlesnake89 on September 10, 2004
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I dont know why but I hardly ever have had that problem. They never say your just a kid to me. I also try to act very responable and I think another reason is that I don't act like a kid. What I mean is that I am very mature and I know a lot about life. More than a lot of kids my age do. I know in a year or two I will get a copperhead. I mean it is my mom's choice to allow a venomous snake in our home. I keep 18 snake now and they are all in tip top shape. I dont really care what people think. I have a passion that so few have and that is herpetology. In my biology class my teacher lets me play with his snake and when I do i tell the class about it.
Hey viper kid what does your parents say about your passion. My mom embrasses it. She goes out looking for rattlesnakes with me all the time. I use tools and my mom doesn't mind if I pick one copperhead and moccasin one bit. As long as I safe that is her only concern. You should chill out just wait a couple of years then you will be treated as an adult.
One other thing I will say and I am not being rude or anything. But do not say you are a expert. You are far from it jsut like me. You and me probaly know more things than others. I do not doubt you know a lot of things. Really in science there is no experts. There are people that know more about things than others. Experience helps too. When you are older you will see. The more you work with different snakes the more you are on your way to becoming a "so called" expert. I know it is hard but trust me it will get better. I know life always seems like it won't but it will if you make it. Just go out and herp and be as safe as possible. Remeber experience is a lot better than books. Books are nothing compared to the real thing. Go out try to get as much experience as possible. That is a key tool in life.
Good Luck Mate,
Phillip Higgins
RE: Sick of it
by Cristina on September 10, 2004
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Yo, I`m 17 and I`ve been cacthin` snakes since I was 12. I realy know my stuff, honestly. I have had most of my countryes reptiles, including venomous snakes. I even caught vipers in foreign countryes. I won 1st place in several national echological contestes with papers which i wrote on our native herpetofauna. The people wich I respect(both adults and people of a close age), people who`s opinions matter, suport me. They know that I`m gifted and that I`m good in my domain(better than all of the romanian herpetologists I know, honestly) and that one day I`ll achieve something brilliant. The other category of people, the morons wich have no respect for things which they cannot understand just say I`m crazy, underestimate my knoledge and handeling skills, or just say things like: "Yeh, it`s good that you have a hobby, at least your not doing drugs." Now how smart does that sound ? I agree with most of the opinions here. The best way to become an aknoledged herpetologist is education. The sistem here is different so I don`t have to study things which I don`t like very much. I think that you had a recent negative encounter that made you come so hard on people and made you extremely angry and frustrated. I think you should keep cool and don`t try to proove to any one that you`re good. Proove it to your self, buit confidence, built it with knoledge first. Best of luck, Alex S.
RE: Sick of it
by Snake17 on September 10, 2004
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Sorry, the last post belongs to me. I forgot to sign off from my girlfriends nickname when I got on line. Sorry again for the confusion, Alex S.
RE: Sick of it
Anonymous post on September 10, 2004
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Hey man, Look I am 26 and still hear crap about keeping snakes.(especially hots)
Just go with your passion and dont let anyone stand in your way; The only exception to this is the law and your parents. I never started keeping snakes until 2 years ago, with myself I knew what was right and when the time was to get my first hot. To make a long story short, you still have alot of time for this hobby. So just slow down and enjoy being young!!!!!!!!
RE: Sick of it
by Dadee on September 11, 2004
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Everyone here has your same emotion about the topic, whether it's on one side of the fence or the other. The one thing that will come in "time", is patience. At an early age in your life, patience seems over rated and not really understood. The other thing that will also come in time, is the fact that it doesn't matter what other people think of you. What truly matters, is what you think of yourself. Keep in mind, you are still under age. It might seem as though that's a little thing to over look, but it's important to obey the laws. We all hope that you will come to understand why those laws exist and that you too will look at those behind you as birds to take under your wing and show the way. It looks like a rotten deal for you right now, but it's only for another 2 years. When you look at the grander picture, 2 years is a drop in the bucket. Right now for you, is a great time to be alive. Enjoy it. Life passes by way too fast. Once you do come of age, life's little responsibilities start to kick in, then it's not as fun any more. I hope you didn't take this as a talking down to, but more of an explanation as to your predicament. Being a parent of a 14 year old myself, I teach him, but never would I allow him to get involved in keeping hots, as I do, until he's older, with better judgement calls. I also have a 19 and a 21 year old at home, that are more than welcome into "Dad's" circle...but only if they obey the "rules". Does this make any sense? I don't want you to feel like you're left out or belittled in any way. You have a passion that most of us can fully comprehend. Don't worry what others think of your cravings and passions. They may have some "odd" stuff in their own closets. Keep coming back to this forum and feel like you are a part of our community. Take it easy and realize your goals and make milestones for yourself and your progress.
Best of luck,
RE: Sick of it
by cottonmouth on September 11, 2004
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WHAT UP ALEX? I was wondering who the imposter was. I thought maybe your girl was a herp nut along with you. Jeff Q
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