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Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by EPARR1 on February 20, 2007
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Ok I'm not sure if I can post this or not but I will try. I hope this does not break the rules.
First, I’d like to begin by saying that you should all be commended for your efforts to help John’s family. Many of you have apologized for not being able to contribute more, but there’s no need to feel that way. Everyone is in different places in their lives. Someone who makes $20,000 a year and has a lot of obligations may feel a certain amount of discomfort making a $20 contribution, whereas someone making $100,000 a year may make a $1,000 contribution without a thought. It’s all relative. That being said, the mere thought on your part that you “wish it could be more” says a lot about your character. Be proud of that.
Since reading about the situation, I’ve been trying to come up with an incentive to get more people to donate. As a matter of choice, I’ve asked to remain anonymous, so Eric was kind enough to offer to post this for me. Here’s my proposal…
If the total of all contributions reaches $500 or more (minus my earlier $500 donation), I’m offering a $500 award to the individual who contributes the most. This would not be a cash award, but will be credited towards the one-time purchase of an animal or animals from Bob. If the cost of the animal(s) does not reach $500, the remainder will not be paid out in cash or held over for a future purchase, as we don’t want to burden Bob to have to keep up with this. The full amount could possibly be used as a deposit for a future purchase, but this would have to be worked out with Bob. If the value of the animal(s) is greater than $500, then the full amount is credited towards the purchase, with the remainder to be paid by the individual. If the contribution total (again, minus my own) does not reach $500, then I’ll simply add another $500 to the Poole pool and no award will be given.
This may be attractive to someone who is already planning to buy something from Bob, as their contribution would be going towards a good cause, and they have the potential of saving money on the deal. For instance, let’s say someone is planning to buy a $500 snake from Bob, the largest single contribution is $50, and the total of all contributions is $200. If that person contributes $300, and no one “tops” them, then the total of all contributions meets the minimum $500 requirement, and since this person is the single largest contributor, they basically end up getting a $500 snake from Bob for $300. Of course, the downside is that someone could “top” them, and they would either have to add to their contribution, or resolve to the fact that it’s just that; a contribution.
Contributions in any form are eligible. If you know the family, you can snail-mail, or hand-deliver it (like “cobra04”), otherwise simply use the PayPal account, or a carrier pigeon; doesn’t matter. Just be sure to let Eric know, since he is the custodian of the PayPal account and will be the one to announce the winner (if minimum requirements are met). Also, if anyone wishes to make an anonymous donation (your name won’t appear on the forum), feel free to indicate your desires in the PayPal message and rest assured that you are also eligible. Anyone wishing to make a contribution and exclude themselves from the award standings, you may do that as well.
Updates with current standings will be posted here, but we don’t want this to become too much of a burden on Eric. Though I’m sure he will put forth a reasonable effort to keep everyone updated, he does have a life and can’t be expected to maintain up to the minute status updates.
The deadline for contributions is Friday, February 23rd at 8:00 PM. If contributions are made via PayPal that do not “clear” prior to the deadline, they are still eligible, however any funds that fail to clear for whatever reason will be excluded from consideration. The winner will be announced after all funds have cleared. Any contributions received after the deadline will certainly be appreciated, but will not be eligible for the award. This gives people a little time to think it over, and also establishes a cut-off point to keep it fair. In the event of a tie, the reward would be split evenly between the individuals who contributed the most.
Any situation that arises outside of what’s been mentioned here will be evaluated and a determination will be made by Bob, Eric, and me as to the outcome. Hopefully, everything will be straightforward.
The goal is simply to raise more money for the cause, so please be sure to go into this with that in mind. Since there is always the possibility that someone will “top” your contribution, please be sure you are willing to give up the money you’ve contributed as being a contribution, and don’t gamble away all your “snake money” while banking on the fact that your donation will be the highest; it may not. What we don’t want is to turn it into a competition where some folks walk away with hard feelings.
At this point, I have not spoken with Bob on the phone about this, but he agreed via email that he would work with us. I’m quite confident that we can make this happen. For those of you who might want some sort of guarantee that the award will be available, Bob is actually still holding a $460 deposit that I made a while back for some hatchlings that never materialized. I will work out the remaining balance of $40 with him next week.
I wish everyone my best, and my heartfelt condolences to John’s family.
John was also known on this forum and others as jwpdcp
Donations made to cudly_smurf_26@yahoo.com
Bob Clark has added another $500 to the pot so the award for the higiest donation is $1000.00.
1)Thank you very much for the kind words and support.
Unfortunately, John's "family" has refused to be of
any help. They did not even attend the memorial
service, other than his daughter. We were financially
struggling, due to illnesses and accidents, even
before this happened. If you do not believe it would
be inappropriate, would very much appreciate anything
you could do to raise funds. I hate to have to accept
your offer, but I know that you guys were more of a
family to John than his real family was and he would
very much like it if his final arrangements were not
left to the government. Our consolidated.net accounts
are cancelled ($$$) effective tomorrow, so please use
this address to contact me in the future. Thank you
again, very much. You are more than generous.
--Deborah Bailey-Poole
2)Thank you very much. This is awesome! I know people
don't have lots of money to throw around -- especially
when they have never met us -- but the support and
encouragement from John's e-herp friends has been
overwhelming. You guys are great (whatever the
outcome). Thank you again. --Deborah
3)That is absolutely unbelievable!!!! I have tried to
get assistance from the government, and I have been
unsuccessful. I cannot believe how awesome this has
gone, really I can't!!! John's Paypal should still be
active, even though it is tied to the old e-mail
address. I will double check that to be sure before
there is a transaction. I will have NO PROBLEM telling
the folks on Bob Clark that I got the money and what I
did with it. I will even provide a receipt from the
funeral home if need be. Once again, I am more or less
in shock right now. John would be so pleased to know
that his herp buddies had been so generous in our time
of need. I will verify on the Paypal and let you know
NLT Thursday. Thank you so very, very
much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Deborah
I replied back letting her know we don't need recipts the money is hers I just want you all to know that she received the money.
4)Eric, this is truly unbelievable!!! YES! I will gladly
wait. John would not believe the love and support you
all have shown. He always fancied himself not to have
many friends. Thank you so much!!! --Deborah
I asked her if she would wait so we could do this little deal with the 500.00
Ok so A little recap of the thread Thank you all for making this possible weather you donated or not doesn't matter. Deborah is just as happy to have the support. I would also like to add a special thanks to the unknown party putting up the award plus the $500.00 that was put in the pot before this offer.
RE: Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by EPARR1 on February 20, 2007
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Right now the total donations are $1004.00 so the award is up for grabs.
The higiest donation at this time is $230.00
Beat that to get the $1000.00 award the award can only be used for reptiles from bob clark.
Well I hope this strikes an intrest.
RE: Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by Cro on February 20, 2007
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Eric, I do not find any records of any post on this forum by a "jwpdcp" or by "John Poole."
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by EPARR1 on February 20, 2007
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John poole was a member of this forum under jwpdcp. I know he posted his reptiles in the classifieds in the weeks/months before his passing. He was selling them to pay off medical bills and such. His profile may have been deleted due to his passing.
I do not know if he knew any of you just thought I would post to let you know what we are trying to do for his family. To see the whole ordeal please go here.
Bob Clark and another member of his forum and this one who wishes to remain Anonymous put up a $1000.00 award for the higiest donation. All the details are in that thread.
I started all this just taking donations trying to help out his family.Bob and another person put up the award to try and bring in extra donations from people that did not know john or would not have donated otherwise.
So know you know the deal.
RE: Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by Cro on February 20, 2007
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Thanks for the update Eric. As you said, he did list animals for sale in the Classifieds here, although he did not post on the forums.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by EPARR1 on February 20, 2007
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I wasn't sure if he frequented the site or not. I know he was active on my forum and a few others.
As far as I know the only hots he kept were rhinos and gabbys.
At any rate if you would like to try for the $1000.00 feel free.
Phobos do you keep anything besides venomous?
RE: Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by ichabod on February 21, 2007
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I have not been on this forum long, but I have been a member of Bob's forum for a long time and I love it there. Eric is a great guy, and very trustworthy. I may not know him personally, but I have been following his posting on Bob's site and have seen many great posts from John on Bob's site. He was a very smart and knowledgable man, I really hope his family is faring well. Thank you Eric for stepping up and standing out as a great person. Things like this make me believe in humanity again!!
RE: Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by EPARR1 on February 23, 2007
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Well we have raised over $1600.00
The donation dead line for the award is 8:00 Pm PST
highiest donation so far is $500.00
RE: Please Read John Poole Donations!!!
by ichabod on February 23, 2007
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I think people need to read the posting on Bob Clark, that was the best post I have seen in a while. No doubt his wife loved him very much! RIP
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