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RE: Better chance of getting struck by lightning!
by pitbulllady on May 11, 2007
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DEER, elk and moose actually kill more people than any other animals in the US, and this is NOT taking into account people killed in collisions between one of these animals and vehicles.
RE: Better chance of getting struck by lightning!
by MikeB on May 11, 2007
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A little research: According to an article in American Family Physician (4-1-02) the maximum number of annual snakebite fatalities in the US for the three decades 1960-90 was 12.
RE: Better chance of getting struck by lightning!
by FlaSnakeHunter on May 12, 2007
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In the US from 1979 to 1996, 304 people in the US died from dog attacks, including 30 in California. The average number of deaths per year was 17.
Most of the deceased were children. ("Dog-Bite-Related Fatalities -- United States, 1995-1996," MMWR 46(21):463-467, 1997.)
I have 27 venomous snakes and 2 dogs...cockapoos !!
RE: Better chance of getting struck by lightning!
by tigers9 on May 18, 2007
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here are stats on captive exotic animal aftalities as compared to life.
RE: Better chance of getting struck by lightning!
by COYOG on May 19, 2007
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I have no idea how, but 34 people were killed by toilets last year...63 received eye injuries.
RE: Better chance of getting struck by lightning!
by tigers9 on May 19, 2007
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The atatck by toilet are kids who fall into toilet and drown, maybe we need to ban toilets or have a law to keep them locked, like gun safe, or have perimeter fence around them liek for tigers ;-)
RE: Better chance of getting struck by lightning!
by Sal on May 24, 2007
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The National Saftey Council has a list of what causes fatalities and what the odds are of dying from it in one year and a life time. It is a good read, there are some pretty funny (but sad) ones. My favorite is lifetime odds of dying from falling off furniture is 1 in 4,473.
FYI, the odds from dying from contact with a venomous snake is 1 in 1,874,034
Here is the list
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