VenomousReptiles.org Survey
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Should hobbyists ever free handle venomous reptiles with their hands?
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Most venomous/toxic Naja species in the world? I have read that the Philippine cobra is the most venomous (mice, 0.2 mg/kg SC with the lowest reported value being 0.14 mg/kg SC) (Brown, 1973). I have recently, come across something in the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (Vol. 30, (issue 12), pages: 1158-1162, 1992) which stated that the LD50 for Naja oxiana was the most toxic/venomous (mice, 0.18 mg/kg SC and lowest reported value was 0.10 mg/kg). Along with that, the mortality rate for untreated Naja oxiana bites are the highest among all Naja species (70-80%). N.oxiana also produced the lowest known lethal dose (LCLo) of 0.005 mg/kg, the lowest among all cobra species ever recorded, derived from an individual case of poisoning by intracerebroventricular injection.
Following N. oxiana and N. philippinensis are N. melanoleuca at 0.225 mg/kg SC and then N. samarensis at 0.23 mg/kg. The water cobras (N. annulata and N. christyi also have very toxic venoms, but no SC values are listed. Only intraperitoneal (IP) values of 0.143 mg/kg for N. annulata and 0.12 mg/kg for N. christyi. IP values tend to be generally lower (more toxic than subcutaneous values, so it would be unfair to compare their IP results to the subcutaneous (SC) results of other Naja species. Then I have heard that (without solid evidence) that Naja nivea is the most venomous, although their murine SC LD50 range anywhere from 0.4 mg/kg (Toxicon, Vol. 5, issue 1, page 47, 1967) to 0.72 mg/kg (Australian venoms and toxins Databse).
So which is the most venomous? To me it seems obvious that it is the Caspian or Oxus cobra (Naja oxiana), followed by the Philippine cobra (Naja philippinensis). What do you think or know?
I've noticed that the Australian venom and toxin Database seems to have higher LD50 values for all snakes across the board. For example, for the black mamba IP value of 0.01 mg/kg is listed (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/004101018890219X) and Ernst and Zug et al 1996, list a SC value of 0.05 mg/kg for the black mamba. While the Australian venom and toxin Database listed much less toxic LD50's. So there seems to be a lot of variation.
What's Your Favorite Venomous Snake?
Deadliest Bite?
IF the science of self-immunization for a snake envenomation was proven/perfected what is the least benefit(percentage) you would accept before practicing it on yourself?
how did you learn to keep venomous reptiles?
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IF the science of self-immunization for a snake envenomation was proven/perfected what is the least benefit(percentage) you would accept before practicing it on yourself?
  Posted: Jun 06, 2013
  (42 votes, 2 comments)
by Ptk
Survey Results
100% I would ONLY if it saved life and prevented any long term muscle, tissue and nerve damage.
12% (5)
85 - 99% I would if it saved life and helped prevent most long term muscle, tissue and nerve damage.
36% (15)
60 - 84% I would if it saved life but did little to help prevent muscle, tissue or nerve damage.
7% (3)
40 - 59% I would as long as it helped save life in more cases than not.
12% (5)
2-39% I would even if it did little to save life but helped to prevent muscle, tissue and nerve damage.
7% (3)
1% I would do anything proven/perfected to help in any way in case of an envenomation.
14% (6)
0% I would not SI and prefer to rely on conventional anti-venin for my medical needs.
12% (5)
Survey Comments
Yes, Science.
Immunology is a science; whether done on one's own person
or a laboratory primate. As long as it is documented and
produces repeatable results.
Posted by
on July 8, 2013
Since when is it a science?
Posted by
on June 8, 2013
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