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I have to ask.....
by Atrox788 on April 30, 2007
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...does everybody here hate Brady Barr as much as I do? LOL
I watched his "deadliest snakes" show over the weekend and I simply can not stand the man! He acts like he is an expert of all snakes when in fact I had more know how and ability to handle hots in my second month of keeping!!
I simply can’t stand his attitude, inaccurate facts and poor handling techniques. Everytime he sees a snake he acts like he having a heart attack. I think the guy who was with him in Africa, when they were filming the polylepis wanted to smack him up side the head! LOL You could see that he was smirking at how scared Brady was.
It just bugs me how some of these networks idolize such an incompetent moron and use them for their spokes person. I don’t really care for Jeff Corwin either but at least he has showmanship. Watching Brady Barr is like watching Gorge W Bush. At the end you want to throw your sofa at the TV so your will never be forced to endure that torture again! My IQ has droped 20 points since watching that show.
I don’t mean offend anyone who has worked with him but I can’t stand him!
Anyway, I was curious if I am alone in my thinking.
All the best,
P.S The segment with Terry Phillips was awesome! The little experiment he did with O.microlepidus venom was amazing and really brought to light what that venom can do to you.
RE: I have to ask.....
by Fishmich on April 30, 2007
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i was just having the same conversation with someone a couple days ago. watching him is like watching a ben stiller movie, you are just embarrassed for him most the time. i like jeff corwin though.
RE: I have to ask.....
by FLVenom911 on April 30, 2007
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I had the chance to meet Brady back in February at the Tomistoma benefit dinner at Miami Metro Zoo where he was a guest speaker. He seemed like a down to earth, sincere guy. His presentation on all the Crocodiles he has found was incredible as well as the amount of conservation work he has done in Costa Rica for C. acutus. We talked briefly about venomous snakes, and he clearly stated "They make me really nervous, Crocodiles are my thing"
RE: I have to ask.....
by LEGION on April 30, 2007
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I have to agree, the guy is embarassing X10. I find myself clenching and unclenching my fist when he keeps yelling snake, snake, snake, snake ,snake, snake, snake, snake, snake, blah blah blah. No sh#t it's a snake, that's what you were out there for wasn't it stupid? And the scene with the dendroaspis was just horrid. He kept asking the guy, "are you sure, are you sure, are you sure, are you sure, are you o.k; are you sure? Damn I hope he gets fired. He also just for argument sake forgot to include pseudonaja textillis in his most deadly list. I love Jeff Corwin though myself, as he is more educating and doesn't panic and seems to have a genuine love for the animal world.
RE: I have to ask.....
by KingCobraFan on April 30, 2007
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You're definitely not alone, Jeremy. While I think BB is pretty good with crocs, he has a long way to go before reaching "reptile expert" (self-proclaimed) status in my eyes.
Bill Huseth
RE: I have to ask.....
by Chris_Harper on April 30, 2007
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I feel the need to defend here. Here's why: Brady was a crocodilian Ph.D. candidate when he was featured on a Nat'l Geo. doc. He had a lively personality and that tends to play very well on tv to the general populace. That's why he was picked up as NatGeo's primary host. The average person in America has the attention span of a golden retriever, and we tend to lose them when we start spouting off taxonomy in monotonous tones. The venomous community may LOVE someone non-chalantly approaching lighting quick top-end deadly species, but it won't sell with Sally Housemaker, Joe Sixpack and Billy Nintendo. They don't really understand the danger without the host being able to convey that through behavior and voice inflection. That's why ol' Steve-O was so popular - his enthusiasm told the story and got the public psyched up.
AND second of all, if Brady approached a Black mamba in rural Africa with a carefree, non-chalant attitude - when I know for a fact that he doesn't keep or handle them on a regular basis, and was hours away from "basic" medical care, I'd think there was something wrong with him. Black mamba's have the reputation that they do for a reason. They are the Bruce Lee of snakes. Despite their mercury-like agility and speed, they also have some very toxic, hideously devious venom. Do you know what a cardiotoxin is? I do, and it scares the bejeesus out of me. No current cardiac drugs will reverse the effects of the mind blowing, atypical cardiac arrhythmias that D.polylepsis causes. And always remember, prior to antivenom, Black mamba bites were 100% fatal.
He's croc guy by trade. Stop hatin'. HERE's MY SUGGESTION, and I've always wanted people to start doing this. Make your own videos, burn them to DVD and sell them in the classifieds. It will be fun, you'll learn from it, and you get a chance to put your money where your mouth is. AND PERHAPS, you may even be "discovered".
RE: I have to ask.....
by richardduckworth on April 30, 2007
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ahhh, you can't hate the guy for being the way he is. he's not paid to do anything but entertain and he's harmless, although most national geographic shows perpetuate a lot of the bad misconceptions about snakes and they seem to fix nothing. it's really an entertainment oriented channel and their facts are USUALLY WRONG concerning lots of things. they use "poisonous snakes" a lot, they really make snakes look evil, and they obviously play down to the general population.
it's life. brady barr isn't a villain though, just doing what they want him to and getting paid.
most of these hosts are just a certain type of actor. they can't be 100% real. real doesn't sell.
that's why reality tv is mostly staged.
RE: I have to ask.....
by LEGION on April 30, 2007
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Well I'm sure Brady Barr is very intelligent and recognized as an authority on crocs and good for him. He's still annoying. Steve Irwin had enthusiasm, B.B. makes me hit the mute button, so National Geographic didn't succeed in keeping me around for his next show for sure. But hell, you're right. Probably not easy to get a gig for a show on any subject, so more power to him. If he's so uneasy around snakes, maybe he shouldn't climb down aardvark holes to play with them. And as far as the average t.v. go'er having substandard attention spans, that's really irrelevant considering if they don't give a damn about snakes they probably won't be watching in the 1st place. Most people, myself included, who love anything about snakes would watch the most boring person in the world talk about snakes because we think they are such amazing creatures, so getting Brady to be "enthusiastic"{more like spastic} won't keep me glued to the t.v., just the opposite really. And for someone who is so uneasy around snakes and obviously not comfortable handling them, how is he an expert? He left out some big hitters on his little list, such as eastern brown,kraits,etc. Good for him and best of luck, but I won't watch another of his ranting shows.
RE: I have to ask.....
by Rob_Carmichael on April 30, 2007
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Different strokes for different folks. Dr. Barr is someone I respect as a fellow herpetologist and what he has contributed to the field. It's so easy for folks to criticize when they have never done a T.V. show. I had the good fortune to do something with Animal Planet and all I'll say is that I have far more respect for these T.V. guys who do this every day; it's a lot tougher than it looks. Brady Barr just shows an extreme amount of respect for the animals he comes across. I, too, would show the same kind of trepidation if I came across a wild black mamba. Working with them in a captive setting is far different than meeting them in their element. It's easy to criticize but I would suspect if that same Brady Barr stopped by to say hello at these various folks' homes (who were critical of him), they would pee in their pants and be star struck. He's an intelligent guy, down to earth, friendly and genuine and someone who is a professional herper doing T.V. work - tough to criticize someone for doing what they love.
Rob Carmichael, Curator
The Wildlife Discovery Center
Lake Forest, IL
RE: I have to ask.....
by petra on April 30, 2007
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Funny, I was thinking the same thing as I was reading through all the posts ...it's so easy to criticize when the person cannot defend himself. People tend to act very different on the forums than face to face.
There is an easy solution as far as the TV goes...push the OFF button if you don't like it! There is no one forcing you to sit and watch it...
If you want a professional in depth info buy a book. There are tons of them!
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