RE: I have to ask.....
by Buzztail1 on May 1, 2007
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I understand you guys' points.
I think everyone missed mine.
I do not mind at all questions about opinions.
I do not mind at all that people like or do not like various TV personalities, even when I do not agree with their posted opinion.
I do not care for thinly veiled profanity but will ocassionally let that slide as I, myself, have resorted to it a time or two to make a point.
I will not tolerate the snide personal attacks and name calling.
As for my opinions on the matter...
I have met some of these celebrities.
I was not impressed by some of them that other people swoon over. Others were much nicer and more personable than I had any right to expect. My opinions about them are free to anyone that wants to walk up and ask me at any show or gathering. But just because they are TV personalities and "celebrities" doesn't mean that I can freely demean and ridicule them at will on the internet. That is for the paparazzi to do and I DO NOT like them.
This thread could continue but you must respect other people's opinions as well as your own. You don't have to agree - just be respectful of each other.
RE: I have to ask.....
by Fishmich on May 1, 2007
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although i am generally irritated by his antics and attitude towards the situations hes filmed in, i dont think you can blame him personally. in my experience of viewing various wildlife programs ive come to lose all respect for national geographic and id say its mostly the network that is to blame for our negative opinions of the man. id say most would agree that national geographic portrays snakes in a negative way and often times the info they give is just outright rediculous. i have the utmost respect for mr. barr and i watch his shows because i love to see the animals he showcases, but sometimes its better to watch with the volume down a bit.
RE: I have to ask.....
by LEGION on May 1, 2007
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I'll say a couple more things. I should have stated my opinion like FichMich and maybe i wouldn't have gotten the backlash. This is the 1st I have EVER gotten into a pissing match; so my bad. That dude bothers me but I should have been a bit less harsh with him and others on this thread. My emotions got away and I became the infantile one at the end, so I formally apologize, especially to RichardDuckworth. Take it for what it is. John
RE: I have to ask.....
by ALA_snake33 on May 1, 2007
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Brady is somewhat the annoyance, but I do see some good coming from his Crocodile Documentaries.
Be Safe Ya’ll, Happy Herping : Wally
RE: I have to ask.....
by Rob_Carmichael on May 2, 2007
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LEGION: as far as your daughter coming for a tour, she (you, and anyone in your family) is welcome to visit; we are a public facility. You might help your cause if you complete your personal profile so that folks here can get to know you better.
Chuck basically hit everything on the head: everyone is entitled to their personal opinions but when the diapers get wet and the pacifiers fall out of our mouths, that's when trouble starts.
RE: I have to ask.....
by LEGION on May 2, 2007
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One thing leads to another and all that, I hear you Rob. It's ironic that the most annoying person on here wasn't Brady Barr but probably me,lol. Actually Rob I don't have a daughter, when I said girl I meant my girlfriend. She wouldn't take me to meet her mom,lol. Anyone up for talking about Austin Stevens? I do a great impression of him.
RE: I have to ask.....
by Rob_Carmichael on May 2, 2007
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Your "girl" is more than welcome too. As a sidenote, I'd love to see you change your comment about special olympics; thought it was kind of in bad taste on your profile but there's no need to start another argument:-) Austin Stevens....yeah, now there's a character.
RE: I have to ask.....
by LEGION on May 2, 2007
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Well this is going to be hard to understand, but I think the Special Olympics is a fantastic organization. That was no knock on them as one of the best friends I ever had had Down's Syndrome, also I did alot of work with the Special Ed groups while in high school. It just was directed towards people that want to act "less fortunate" when they have a fully functional brain. It was and is probably in bad taste but not my intention. I can't seem to get it right on this board. Even if I change it now you guys and gals will already have formed an opinion, so what's the point?
RE: I have to ask.....
by Rob_Carmichael on May 3, 2007
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Don't take my comment too personally; I'm glad you have a special connection to Special Olympics as I do too....even more reason to not tie them in with lame brain keepers but don't worry, I'm not judging or criticizing you for that comment. Hopefully, you and your family will be able to make it to our place for a visit; we'll give you the red carpet tour.
RE: I have to ask.....
by LEGION on May 3, 2007
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As I was looking at your profile Rob I noticed you work with Lachesis. I am not really a Viper guy myself, but always been fascinated with Bushmasters. They are beautiful and so massive and seem to resemble to my really amateur opinion to look like several species crossed into one. My questions are how are they to work with and their temperments? I saw Jeff Corwin find one and instead of staying totally in place it looked as if it was actually going on the offensive as it started moving towards Jeff. Are they strictly ambush or do they also actively hunt their prey? They must pack a hell of a punch to a person and I would imagine their venom output is massive. I won't apologize for stealing the thread as it has gone about 50 different directions anyways.
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